So I was out looking for a new car today. Old one hit a deer, I'm not sure if I mentioned that on the forums. No one was hurt, but our minivan was totaled. I'm sitting in this posh car dealership and they offer wi-fi, so I bust out my Kindle. I can't take screenshots from my Kindle, which sucks, so I can't show you what I saw, but imagine what it would look like if you opened up the forums and saw 427 alerts. I said, quite loudly in a quiet room full of upper-middle-class WASP types, "Holy shit!" I got a lot of dirty looks. Then I click on the list, and I saw something more or less like what Mining posted above...but there were more than 20 pages of it. My like-to-post ratio is now well above 66%. What the hell have I done?!?
Haldurson: no doubt, right?!? We actually joked about that stupid lady and her stupid stupidity once we had recovered from the post-Cervidae panic. And yeah, I figured out what had happened when I read my profile and saw the planning stage laid out for me.
i just went through and liked every post in this thread. also what if there was an achievement for liking every post made on the forums ever
If there was, then I would be forever denied it due to that awful video of the horse-mask crazy half-naked lunatic cooking 'shrooms that mining posted. (It made the Daggle thread look good by comparison.) My flock is growing!
Then you capitulate in this war, for I could dig up all of your posts, while you will always have one of mine you cannot like. All hail the Mining Supremacy!
You know, that is the only time I ever saw you use capitals for your handle. I set the bar so low I can win just by existing. War? What War? So long as I set my own victory conditions, I can just revise them to fit the current situation. Not liking that post was a win condition for the moment. Check it out. There is a Poll too.