Um...that's not true at all. Any buff that has <usetimer="0">, doesn't include <bad="1"> <removable="1"> <brittle>, <attacks>, or <destroyonmove> will be permanent. For example, Archmage has a few buffs that, once you get them, don't ever go away. As to the skill not showing up in the skill list, that's guaranteed to be a minor XML problem you overlooked like missing a slash at the end of a line. Run your code through the XML validator linked in the Visual Spell Templates thread, and then through the Mod Validator. One or both of them will point out the problem.
I don't know what possibly could have gone wrong in the code I didn't change anything. The mod just won't initialize now. I can check it in the mods list but then once I start the game where before I could see in the command prompts it would initialize the mod now it does nothing. I think I'll probably just have to start the whole thing over from scratch at this point. If you think you can figure it out in the code be my guest but I've been staring at it and can't find anything wrong. It was just working great one second and then not at all the 2nd. *Edit* Thanks a bunch I had looked at the code so long I didn't see errors. Apparently I removed a = on accident somehow.
So only problem I have left is not being able to use the starting loadout item the skill gives in the crafting recipe. I noticed the same problem with the Runecaster mod someone did so I don't know if it's a problem with the game or if it can be fixed or not? So the only real fix I can think of is in the loadout instead of starting with the item I want them to start with they start with an item that when used creates the item. Just was hoping for a less confusing way to do it for the player.
Alright the spell tutorial part is kind of confusing in the wiki because it's split up all over the place. But I feel like this spell should do what I want it to but instead it creates a random item it seems. What am I doing wrong? <spellDB> <spell name="Craft Boots" type="self"> <effect type="spawn" itemname="Master Armoursmith's Amazing Boots" amount="1"/> </spell> </spellDB>
Giving us the spellDB is useful, but without the rest we cannot really be sure what is wrong. Is the "Master Armoursmith's Amazing Boots" spelled exactly the same in your itemDB.xml? You may want to first try making it a simple name like "Example001" until you can be sure the name is not the problem. In particular I am very cautious of using any special characters like the ' you are using.
The apastrophe isn't a special character. In fact, I always use apastrophes instead of quotation marks in my script, because it looks cleaner. Only if there's an apastrophe in the description or so, I use quotation marks because else hell breaks loose with trap sprites instead of monster sprites and apple textures instead of walls.
Yea it's all spelled correctly. Basically I'm just trying to create a potion that when used creates the boots. Here's the potion's code and the boots code. <item name="Click to craft your AMAZING BOOTS" iconFile="items/boots_sabaton.png" craftoutput="1"> <potion spell="Craft Boots"/> <description text="Click to recieve your first AMAZING BOOTS."/> </item> <item name="Master Armoursmith's Amazing Boots" iconFile="items/boots_sabaton.png" craftoutput="1"> <price amount="10"/> <armour type="feet"/> <primarybuff id="2" amount="3"/> <secondarybuff id="7" amount="4"/> <secondarybuff id="10" amount="2"/> <secondarybuff id="6" amount="4"/> <description text="They're AMAZING BOOTS CRAFTED BY ME! What more do you need to know."/> </item> And all of this might sound weird like who would make a potion that just makes boots but it all goes back to my problem of loadout items not being craftable and me needing these boots that are part of the loadout items craftable. So if someone can solve that problem without me needing the potion that would work to.
Are each of these preceded by the obvious <item> tag that starts the item? You close them with </item>. but what is there to close when it was never opened?
The <item> tag that opens it is there. it contains more info then just <item>. This is how the tutorial told me to do it and I haven't had problems with it so far. The skill works great all except the first set of boots not being craftable.
Cool. I only ask since you quoted the close tag, but not the open one. (Just covering all bases.) Sadly I have no idea what could be wrong. Someone will likely come around and set us straight on this soon enough.
Well I did quote the <item> tag. <item name="Click to craft your AMAZING BOOTS" iconFile="items/boots_sabaton.png" craftoutput="1"> and <item name="Master Armoursmith's Amazing Boots" iconFile="items/boots_sabaton.png" craftoutput="1"> those are the opening <item> tags. I think the problem is with the spell. I feel like im missing some info for it to work. I can click the potion, he drinks it but nothing happens. Do I need to assign like spell icons and mana costs even though all I'm doing with it is casting it off of a potion where that stuff isn't useful.
Let's see. Your potion has no price, the armor tag has no level (the potion either), iconFile could be in small characters.. Did you add <loadout TYPE>? It is pretty bugged out, better check it multiple times.
I know I sound like an ass there, but really, just upload your entire code to pastebin and then post a link. Getting miniscule bits of code that we have to ask for every time instead of being able to see the whole thing makes helping you more difficult. And we don't like to do extra work for a reason like that.
<skill name="Master Armoursmith" id="99754213" type="warrior" description="Why would anyone want stupid armour they pick up off the ground when they could have AMAZING ARMOUR CRAFTED BY ME!"> <art icon="sprites/skill_armour.png"/> <loadout type="toolkit" subtype="My Little Anvil Junior Smithing Kit" always="1" amount="1"/> <loadout type="potion" subtype="Click to craft your AMAZING BOOTS" always="1" amount="1"/> </skill>
Yeah, that looks right. Wait a minute... Try using "spawnitematlocation" instead of just "spawn". "Spawn" has issues.
Yep that worked like a charm. Skill works prefect now. Now for uploading it. Is there a specific place on the forumns to upload mods for people that don't use steam workshop or should i just upload it there?
Just make a thread in the Mod Releases forum. You can use Steam Workshop too if you want, but I find Steam gets in the way too much. Especially if you intend to modify it later for additions or changes.