Hey guys, I just notcied that I got some DOTA 2 keys! Since I need some of them, I will not give them all away here, but I have 2 over! So, the first two to post in here will get a key. My Steam account is [KRONG]Frelus, so if you won, add me there Good luck!
A while back I tried to give away a Bitcoin. No takers so far. I have offered a number of games for free. I still have four Steam keys remaining for the following. Metro 2033. Titan Quest. Someone took it. Closure. Gone do to my idiocy, see the post below. Snapshot. Gone due to my idiocy, again see below. I find it ironic that there are people actively stealing most games all the time, yet we cannot give them away because no-one will take them. You are not alone my friend.
Well I have been lurking around in these forum for a while and in a rather ominous holiday spirit I decided to finaly register here too. Oh and to give away another game no one will want of course: Apox....I think it's some kind of strategy game.
Actually, I would take Apox, if you don't mind. Looks funny. You can have Frozen Synapse or one of the DOTA keys, if you want, too. So, Steam ID?
Well if you like it you can have it .....Oh and i guess I could give DOTA a try. I'll send you my Steam ID as soon as I have found out how to send a PN here .
Well, DotA 2 is gonna be released soon and beta keys are almost worthless now. It's gonna follow TF2's model of transactions, and has the exact same inventory and drop system.
Well I did recieve my invitation but I think it is fake considering it brings me to fileice to download it...
Could I have a Closure key? I really wanted the game since it came out but my parents aren't letting me use their credit card anymore If ur willing, my steam account is srizzie nd ty neway if u dont have it nemore or just dont want to give it up
Sadly that one is now also gone. I have it away in a miscommunication with Steamgifts.com http://www.steamgifts.com/user/OmniNegro I thought I could just list the item and someone would get it. But instead it has do wait and wait and wait until the end date of the giveaway. I *Did* read the FAQ, but it says nothing about this. I set a month time for the giveaway so I could be sure to get rid of it, but I sent the Steam key to the very first person who applied to it. Same exact story for Snapshot. So all I really have is Metro 2033. If you want it, you are very welcomed to it, but I have nothing else to give away.