Yay, no more random crashes on door-open! Any luck on the woe wand thing? But I'm totally back on the GRPD track now though.
Yeah, I know, I haven't even looked at it yet. (Also, we're now pretty damn sure it's Essence's fault, we just can't figure out what he did...)
THANK YOU!!! ...except it didn't work. Mining found that error yesterday and fixed it, and crashed after it was fixed. It also doesn't explain why other AoE wands like the acidical wand weren't working. [edit]...except that I just fixed it just now and apparently its working fine. So maybe Mining messed up somehow.
Looks like RC3 is a bit buggy with Steam. In RC2, Steam support was disabled but you could still launch through it. in RC3, launching Dredmor through Steam now simply opens the EXE for a few seconds before it terminates itself (no crash logs, no loader). Launching Dredmor directly from the exe in the folder, with Steam completely closed, seems to get around this. Just a heads up for anyone who had the same problem as me! edit: here's a save with a Wizardland that has a door which crashes the game on open. I am using ESCRII beta 4b but that's the only mod.
So my save file that wont load in 1.1.2 also wont load in 1.1.3 Test 3. I was hoping that somehow, some way, I would be able to access the last automatic save. Sad Sad Sad times. One of the most fun characters I had. Thread about it is here: http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/c-runtime-crash-version-1-1-2.5700/ Will start testing a new character.
Are Diggles supposed to immediately come from other rooms by digging? Soon as I had walked down and equipped the belt there were 4 of them popping out. How does one survive this without a perfect build?: Figured I would go a crazy build with non-permadeath, but, and after a third attempt I got lucky with the early zombie placement to live. But the point is maybe the diggles shouldn't be able to pop out quite this early.
Well, this room should be sane. Whatever happened to make these diggles visit you so early, it was not supposed to be like that.
The room to the right was the setup where you can choose to open one of two gates wtih a lever, which often come from diggles trapped inside them. But now there is no point in trapping them, as they instantly dig out anyway, although I am not sure these came from that room. Whatever the case, two steps down from start and I have to fight 4 diggles at once.
I need to add a new flag to Diggles to make it so that they won't dig if they are manually placed. Only automatically placed Diggles should dig. Not a big deal, though.
There's another minor crash that will take you 8 sec. to fix and should be worked into the next whatsit. main game spellDB: "Electrical Strike" <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/lightningstrike/lightningstrike" frames="6" framerate="1" sfx="elec" /> The framerate is crashing anyone who gets the Krong enchantment "it zaps your foes" or whatever. It should, as per the Amber Ring of Unending Time, be a framerate of 80.
Hi, 1.13 worked fine for me up to version 2, but 3 crashes on startup. I'm running it on Windows 7 64 bit. Code: Application Timestamp: 50b6a8b5 Fault Module Name: Dungeons of Dredmor.exe Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 50b6a8b5 Exception Code: c0000096 Exception Offset: 001b6785 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1045 Additional Information 1: 4552 Additional Information 2: 4552233e8f19b68ca47be904128b5b57 Additional Information 3: 97f7 Additional Information 4: 97f7f879b68df033088a8f34cd492aa4
maybe the same steam issue that i described a few posts up? try opening dredmor with Steam closed (from the exe, not the shortcut).