Hi! Just had two entirely unrelated ideas. Firstly the government at home is a parliament right? So generate some parties with bonuses at world gen and then hold elections - if your guy gets in then great, but if his rival gets in, you get all his plus modifiers as negative modifiers. Influencing other colonies to vote correctly with incentives (eg it appears we won't be able to export that extra steam we promised) gives player control with smaller colonies needing smaller incentives. Second with all these mysterious artefacts around, there should be a chance for citizens to develop 'unusual traits' which could be a + or - depending on their mood. Mailersmate
Can we have a Dredmor political party? But they can be a pseudo-cult that never mentions who their true leader is. Maybe they could have a diggle mascot.
I like all of this except, "you get all his plus modifiers as negative modifiers". I don't think you should get negative modifiers because you lose an election, you certainly shouldn't get your positive modifiers. In fact, I think you should get minor bonuses into whoever got elected's modifiers (good and bad). So, for example, Industrialists get elected your going to get some production bonuses rather then negatives, however, you'd also get their pollution modifier. Cycling of parties should be normal, natural, fun, and sometimes beneficial.
dagles r ppl 2 were herre, were daggle, gt used 2 it dagle rieghts naow giev me dagle or geiv me dag an educted dagle iz gud daggle daggle flag: http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/daggle-fanart-page.4885/page-2#post-56415