Let me preface this by saying I do have the Steam version with all the expansions installed. Basically the problem is that my save game will not load. What happens is when I try to load it: it pauses for a few moments then returns to the title screen. I've tried running this in Steam's offline mode to see if it could some kind of funky cloud saving, but it seems no dice. I'd be really excited if I could get some possible answers or even someone to look at my save file since it's the first time I've gotten to dungeon level 14 on normal difficulty permadeath and I'm super confident that it'll be my first win! Thanks a bunch!
The funny thing with this particular snafu is that while attempting to load my main saved game, it goes through the behavior described above. On the other hand, if I try to load the Autosave, it just straight up freezes the game until I'm forced to control+alt+delete it! It would appear Lord Dredmor was fearing for his life and invoked the most black of black magic to half my progress...
Hey folks, I'm having the same save game corruption described in the original post, but on OSX 10.8.2, with Steam. It's killed several games for me now. I also thought it might have something to do with steam cloud (I'd been repeatedly getting messages that the cloud and my local saves were out of synch), but this last game was started after I'd turned cloud saves off. Please let me know if I can get you any more helpful info - I'm reluctant to start a new game since I've lost my last three, but I'm loving the game.
I couldn't possibly tell you if this is related, but here's what happened... 1) I started a new game (files attached), and a bit into it went to the pocket dimension 2) On a lark I punched in "Minecraft" for the portal code, then tried to go back to the dungeon proper. 3) It popped me into what I swear was the pocket dimension from the game I sent you - there were piles of stuff lying around that I'd put there. It could have been the dimension from another game, but it was definitely one of mine. The game also thought I was back in the real world (the timer on the pocket dimension spell was running). 4) Using the power again after it came off cooldown ended up bringing me back to the proper pocket dimension, but now I can't leave this one. The power is doing it's job, but it just sends me to the same pocket dimension. Even more bizarre - I have a Levels 1-5 dat files in the save directory, but this character hasn't been off level one. I'm a veteran game dev with QA experience, so if you guys want me to do anything on this end, please let me know. I've verified that the steam cache is valid, and it says it is.
It was on previously, but was turned off before I started the Flair game and remained off for the Bozo game.
I assumed it wasn't me, but in case. I had the invalid save issues on Win 7 64-bit as well. Steam cloud enabled.