Eating things that say "hydrogenated" on the label may piss you off.

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by Essence, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Yep. I cook with those plus expelled pressed peanut, sesame, and, for deep frying, grapeseed oils.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  2. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    I usually use extra virgin olive oil to cook with. I don't care for grapeseed oils (very recently, I accidentally used it to make an omelette, and it made everything taste quite bitter).
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  3. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Note: do not heat olive oil, or any heavily unsaturated oil, heating it makes it go rancid(heck storing in a lit room makes it go rancid), not as badly as extraction processes, but still. It's great for any cold cooking.

    Saturated fat doesn't go rancid from heat as easily as unsaturated fats, which is why it's prefered for cooking, and why coconut oil is the absolute best, second place goes to palm oil, then butter, suet, lard, in descending order.

    Heavily polyunsaturated oils should never be heated, so I definitely wouldn't recommend using any of those as cooking fats Essence, especially the grapeseed oil(86% unsaturated, 70% polyunsaturated). Cold use only.

    Similarly linseed oil aka flaxseed oil is an excellent omega3 source(best of all vegetable oils), small quantities as part of sallad dressing is very healthy(but it has to be expeller pressed). Buy small bottles, it has a short shelf life before going rancid(and need to be refridgerated), and you should only eat it in small doses(a tablespoon is a good daily dose).
    Kazeto and OmniaNigrum like this.
  4. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Peanut oil has a good taste to it for potatoes.
  5. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    I looked it up and supposedly it's good for cooking so long as you aren't using a very high flame (eg. it's not good for frying, but cooking over a low heat it's actually one of the preferred cooking oils). If it starts to smoke, that's the sign that the heat is too high.
    Kazeto and OmniaNigrum like this.
  6. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    UNfortuantely, when it comes to grapseed oils, we had to give in on account of we tried deep frying with palm oil for a couple of months and the cost was prohibitive. Coconut oil makes everything taste like coconut, so it's not great for a lot of deep frying. I never thought of deep frying in lard, though. I'll have to look into that.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  7. mining

    mining Member

    Here we use peanut oil for the vast majority of frying, and olive oil for the vast majority of everything else. Generally we only stir/shallow fry, but we do some deep fried tofu occasionally, and that tastes fine.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  8. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    The plot thickens! The page that I read about "fully hydrogenated" oils was an out-and-out lie. It turns out that there are no hydrogenated oils that are good for you. "Fully hydrogenated" should just mean "saturated", but it doesn't -- the difference between "partially hydrogenated" and "fully hydrogenated" is just how much of the content of that particular oil is hydrogenated -- after some percentage presumably in the high 90s, it's called "fully hydrogenated". So yeah -- fully is worse than partially, which is worse than everything else.
    Kazeto, Aegho and OmniaNigrum like this.
  9. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Oh well, people who write articles like scaring other people for whatever reason.
    mining and OmniaNigrum like this.
  10. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Hey, I write articles for a living. :p

    Kazeto, mining and OmniaNigrum like this.
  11. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Oh well, that was... unexpected.

    If it makes you feel any better, I currently convince people to spend their money on something they don't need and be happy with having done so for a living. So there you go, an evil store clerk/sales advisor on this side.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  12. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    If you ever met me you would want to throw me out the store for what I say to people in your position. :D
    (That is on a good day. Stabbing me in the back with a stick of dynamite is what you would want to do on a bad day.)

    But seriously the first words I say to any saleperson is that I know what I want and how to find it. If I need their help I will seek them out. If they persist, I get ugly.
  13. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I've been several different kinds of salesperson. Retail at Blockbuster, door-to-door for Bankers Life and Casualty, and now about 1/5th of what I write is Internet sales copy. It's not a great profession, but sales is kind of the cornerstone of our economy. So go do your patriotic duty and support America by making people happy to spend $22 on a motherf***ing LADLE OMFG I F***ING HATE CAPITALISM IN ALL IT'S FORMS!!!!

    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  14. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Then you wouldn't. Generally speaking I make myself useful around the store in other ways (I've found that cleaning around and resupplying can be really relaxing, regardless of the fact that you need to do it quickly if you get to it), and approach customers to help them if they seem like they have no clue whatsoever what are they even doing in the store; in fact, most of the time it's them who ask me for help. And if I hear that they don't want help, I just leave them alone - I'm being paid for spending 8 hours there (well, there's the bonus for "being nice to customers and getting commendations from them", but I seem to be over the quota for that every month [meaning that I pretty much only have to be there and do anything useful for as long as that's the case], mostly because of regulars who like me and prefer to go to me whenever they need help and I'm at work).
    Of course, there's still the days when instead of doing that I'm operating the cash registry (either because the particular manager on that shift decided to put me there so that others would be able to get their quota [there is some obscure rule about that, but it was never important enough for me to still remember it after all that time], or because I explicitly asked for it), and then I deal with a higher quantity of brain-dead people, but since I don't really have to be nice to anyone who is begging to be hit, it doesn't matter.

    And for as long as you wouldn't be explicitly rude for the sake of being an ass, I wouldn't do anything; I don't consider myself a patient person but I usually have enough patience to get rid of annoying customers without injuring anything other than their pride (and amusingly, none of them filed a complaint; maybe it was because they were being "booed" at by other customers whenever they started being annoying to me).

    But I'm going to Siberia with that post, in regards to how much on topic it is.

    To be honest, I'm only doing that sort of work because it leaves me free in regards to what I am doing (because there are always things to do) without forcing me to be the "responsible" one - I worked as a programmer earlier (and as various other "things" earlier, but these are irrelevant now) and after being a project leader for few a smaller projects (mostly ones I was hired for as the "outsourced guy", with the rest of the team being provided by the employer) I decided that I prefer not to be the one to lead. Not that I can't do it, because I can, but with the amount of non-work things I am doing (working on Heimdallr for DoD, however slow it goes; writing a book, however slow it goes; still trying to get more proficient in a foreign language; spending time with my girlfriend; cooking for myself because I don't like pre-prepared food; exercising not to fall out of shape) a less mentally-taxing job is preferable for me.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  15. Commie.

    I don't know what else I could add to the thread.
    Essence likes this.
  16. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    First of all a disclaimer -- I know what I'm about to say is a generalization and is not true for all people, and maybe not even for a majority of salespeople. It's just something that I've experienced.

    Here's what I've come to realize about many sales people -- far too many of them don't care about your return business. In other words, they will gladly take your money and give you crap, flatter you, tell you they know what's best for you, anything to get you to give them money. If you are buying a car, they'll tell you you need an SUV. If you tell them you want a small car, they'll try to sell you a big one. If you tell them you want one with good safety features, they'll tell you with a smile on their face that what you really need is the one with the super cool stereo system and custom paint job (because, after all, what everyone really needs in an accident is being deaf and expensive paint will save your life on the thruway.

    The ones that aren't on commission can often actually be worse, because they don't give a damn period. They hate their job and they hate you, and hate their employer. Not necessarily in that order. If you come into a restaurant alone and start choking, they are cheerfully ignoring you helping the new customer who just walked in (happened to me 100% like that).

    And there's a general personality type that seems to be attracted to sales -- these are people who flatter, who are SOO interested in you but absolutely never hear a word you say. They are very good at telling you what they think you want to hear, regardless of what is true.

    No joke -- I was hosting a board game night at my apartment years ago, and a friend brought his cousin. The Cousin tried most of the night to sell me life insurance until my friend got him to shut the hell up.
    OmniaNigrum and Kazeto like this.
  17. mining

    mining Member

    /Straya'n tangent
    That happened at a lunch thing I was at once, and the host punched the guy in the face.
    Straya'n tangent/

    Anyway, the best salespeople are those who care exactly enough to... hate that they have to sell you this shit. Crap, that didn't turn out very well, did it, shops.
    OmniaNigrum and Kazeto like this.
  18. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Do you mean ones who prefer to actually try to be helpful because "eff that, I have to be there and do nothing constructive anyway so why not actually try to stop people from spending money on total crud if I can"?
    Because that's what I thought after reading your post.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  19. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Back a decade or so back I worked as a stocker overnight. People did sometimes do all their shopping in the middle of the night and for them it was great. I hated the day shift and they hated me. My policy was simple. Ask me no questions and I will not bother to tell you the truth. When a potential customer asked my opinion, I was directly honest with them. If they were looking at electronics, I could tell them that everything was cheaper elsewhere, and probably better quality too. If they asked me which model of whatever to buy, I was also brutally honest. I sometimes told customers that if they are asking that question, they know exactly nothing about the subject and should talk to some friends before spending their money.

    Many, many times I was bitched at by my bosses to not do this, but most of them were reasonable and knew I only answered honestly because I was asked. A few managers got pissy and decided to try to fire me over telling a customer that if she knew enough to bother to buy a PC, she would be shopping elsewhere. (She initially took offense at this. But a week later she called the store manager and loaded me down with so much praise that it was all but impossible to fire me from that point on.)

    I honestly have no idea what exactly she told the manager, but he thought I was a saint or something.

    I was never exactly a salesman. I was just a worker who was able to help people. Most greatly appreciated being told the truth. A few seemed to only want praise for the "Wisdom" of spending too much at an inferior store. Those were usually disappointed with me.
    Kazeto likes this.
  20. mining

    mining Member

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