On the Military management Blog post

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Imperial dane, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Imperial dane

    Imperial dane Member

    Well having read this blog post.

    I became rather delighted as it became clearer what might be intented with the military and other parts of the game.

    But i think i'll focus on the military bits here so as to retain focus on the matter.

    Starting out with i rather like how personalities will actually affect how Orders are carried out. Although i suppose the question can become a bit as to how. Although i suppose if one NCO was deadly afraid of water he might not be an awful lot of use in crossing a stream. But nonetheless, very interesting.

    The actual organisation of a squad/Platoon though was really what caught my interest. Talk about something interesting ! With one piece of equipment then proceeding to form some sort of squad specialisation. Which i suppose means that if you want something more elite like say Grenadiers, you'd need to get them the. Grenadier stuff ? Steam suits for steam knights ? And Engineering equipment for Engineering troops. Must say i had hoped for a mention of the good old Maxim gun and not the Gatling :p

    But overall, very interesting and curious to see how this Chain of command will work out when you try to order an entire platoon about. But i can already see myself forming artillery batteries, line infantry and assault troops from different platoons. Very exciting stuff.

    Also noticing now that there is training mentioned, so i suppose that might also effect what sort of troops they might be ?

    Overall, sounds like a simple, yet intruigingly deep system that might be cause for some fun stories.
    Kazeto likes this.
  2. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    I admit, on the editing pass I sat for a moment with that word highlighted and thought really hard about it before leaving it be. (Must be 'cause I'm a bloody Yank.)
    Kazeto likes this.
  3. Imperial dane

    Imperial dane Member

    You sir, just lost a purchase ! .. or not. Most likely not. Though one does wonder what sort of scenarios would require either a gatling or a maxim. Would need to be a vast Tribal invasion, or Cultist/Rebel/Marxist rebellion.. or that which is much much worse. Blood in the streets, houses on fire and collapses. Civilians screaming in terror, the roar of cannons and the thunder of cannons ! And a motley assembly of Infantry holding the line in the name of the Empire ! That's the ticket.

    Though i suppose, can you more specifically outfit NCOs and Officers ? Say give that reasonably competent looking new Leftenant an exquisitely crafted Steelscrew & Sons large bore Revolver with Oak handle and what not. Or will those purchases be more private ? (IE determined by the character)
    Kazeto likes this.
  4. SangerZonvolt

    SangerZonvolt Member

    I must say that I long waited for a game with a military system like this. One where I am turly the general and give orders and it´s up to the chain of command to work them out. Of course that means that the AI has to be up to the task. I also like the idea of squad-inventory. Takes a lot of the micromanagment without making it swallow. Definately can´t wait to see the whole thing in action.


    Given enough training, will there be specialised tactics available? What I mean is something along recruits just firing at will while more trained sodliers can take formations and fire volleys and something like that.

    Also: Will there be cavalery? Exotic cavalery? I liked it in DF to ride into battle on a Hypo or a griffin.

    And finaly: Will there be hero units? For example a really good soldier getting distinct clothes and getting some special traits? Nothing too outlandish (well maybe if he´s infected by fun stuff), but simply something like firing his revolver really fast or dodging attacks that are normally not dodgeable or inspiring nearby troops. Exploit them for propaganda, you know what I mean?
    Kazeto likes this.
  5. Imperial dane

    Imperial dane Member

    I think i recall seeing mechanized horses mentioned. Don't think we'll see the things you mentioned. Too likely to eat the troops i fear.

    Does bring some questions as to the AI system, though i don't think it will be too complex orders anyways. But it does indeed sound very intruiging. Most games operate either on very direct control or basically no control. So a system where you give the orders and chain of command sorts it out could either be simply brilliant. Or a disaster :p For the men.

    And also good question on training. Never mind if there will be different ones. Say if i want to create an elite unit.
    Kazeto likes this.
  6. EleSigma

    EleSigma Member

    Mechanical horses sounds awesome. I hope they add a steam tank as well (maybe based on a the British MK IV tanks). Of course all of this would have to be costly, break down often, and guzzle oil, coal, and water.
    Kazeto likes this.
  7. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    I swear, we never mentioned mechanical horses! Except possibly in jest? Giant beetles, sure, but mechanical horses? I dunno.
    Kazeto and EleSigma like this.
  8. EleSigma

    EleSigma Member

    You could always keep it on the shelves (or whatever it is you guys keep ideas on) for an expansion pack feature or something.

    As for giant beetles, as long as they aren't dung beetles I suppose.
    Kazeto likes this.
  9. SangerZonvolt

    SangerZonvolt Member

    Artfully dodging my questions I see ;p
  10. Niknud

    Niknud Member

    To likely to eat the troops sounds like the perfect reason to try and get my troops to mount them.
  11. Imperial dane

    Imperial dane Member

    Well that would result them in shooting the animals i wager :p

    @Dbaumgart: pretty sure i saw it mentioned somewhere, possibly one of the initial previews.