Paladinner: Worship & Warfare in one easy meal!

Discussion in 'Mod Releases' started by TSED, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Well, Sample the Local Cuisine just gives the consumeanything effect with a 10% to trigger Indigestion. If you made a consumeanything effect with a 100% chance to trigger your "that was OK" series (which it should!), it would have to have a pretty significant drawback to go with it -- like maybe a series of "that was awful!"s that gave you debuffs, small amounts of damage, or even DoTs for the worst of them (instead of Food Heals) but could only be triggered by consumeanything, not by eating real food.

    basically just clone the Knight of the Round Gut list but add 2-4 'bad' side effects.

    Just thinkin'. :)
  2. TSED

    TSED Member

    As it is now, that's a substantial downgrade. Adventuring Chef now can be used to create a number of regular foods, that you can use to, you know, /eat during downtime. The point of AC was to keep a player from being unable to use the skill tree due to lack of foodstuffs, so I definitely don't want to create a situation where it can provide negatives.
  3. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    OK. I'll I'm saying is that if your version of consumer anythign has your various foodBuffs attached to it, it's going to blow the Tourist version out of the water. If that's cool with you, it's cool with me -- the Tourist version is unimpressive, really -- but there may be some people who are more sensitive to balance than I am that may disapprove. :D
  4. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    Is "Prayer Before Eating" supposed to completely drain your mana?
    and does it do anything else? It doesn't appear to do anything beneficial (including silencing enemy spellcasters as you said it was.supposed to do; I just tried it on an Octo and it doesn't seem to work {not that it would typically be discernable if it did as it isn't particularly long range and even most spellcasters will try to engage you in melee at short range)
  5. TSED

    TSED Member

    Oops! So, I finally got around to uploading this. The food definitely gives the buffs again. Furthermore, I have made a couple of changes that are probably really interesting to everybody!:

    I changed Adventuring Chef to be a spell that consumes anything (like the tourist skill), grants only the small food heal-over-time options, and has a 1% chance of food poisoning. It has low mana cost, but given the anti-mana nature of the skill tree, that can be crippling.

    I have FINALLY succumbed to people's opinion and turned Paladinner into a warrior skill tree.

    I have also toned down the anti-mana. The hits to your spellpoints should be noticeably smaller at every level, though still noticeable.
    Essence and OmniaNigrum like this.
  6. Mochan

    Mochan Member

    Killed Dredmor on medium difficulty with the most hilarious character with the skills of Paladinner, Dire Gourmand, Baristacrat, Tourist, Drunken Boxing, Fungal Arts and Dual Wield. I was doing nothing but eat, fart and drink everything into death.

    I should try it again on Going Rogue.

    My comments on the skill tree -- I never used Adventuring Chef really; farting on enemies with Flatulence often resulted in a ton of Offal or Lutefisk or whatever... which was enough to keep me well-stocked on things to eat. Even just having the Lutefisk cube around was enough to do it, and basically with Hammer of the Guts I could keep myself alive while helping clear out crowds of enemies easily. Flatulence was the real zoo cleaner, though. By the end of the game I think I had around 200 coffee, 1300 offal, 700 lutefisk and 900 sewer brew. That was ridiculous.

    I will probably remove Dual Wield, which while giving me a huge boost in damage, didn't quite fit the theme I was going for with this skill set. I will probably replace it with Alchemy or something to keep with the theme.

    The four "eating and drinking" skills -- Paladinner, Dire Gourmand, Baristacrat and Drunken Boxing had some really good synergy together and it was hilarious imagining a gigantic tub of lard hero mowing down the dungeons farting on everything and snacking every other step like crazy.

    Awesome skill mod here, kudos!
    OmniaNigrum, Essence and Kazeto like this.
  7. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    Is this version on this site, or do we have to go on steam?

    I'd go as far as to say that the Tourist version was completely useless.
  8. TSED

    TSED Member

    It's available on both. I'm pretty sure, anyway.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  9. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    You forgot to update the "revision text" entry in mod.xml
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  10. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    You didn't use also use Sweet Sweet Swag?
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  11. Mochan

    Mochan Member

    Must have missed that mod. I'll check it out and try this build again.
  12. TSED

    TSED Member

    Might want to hold off for a bit! I've got a Daemonaholics thing slowly being whittled into existence. Basically the opposite of Paladinner. No promises on time though.
  13. Emilio

    Emilio Member


    Loved the idea of the traveling tourist that eats everything into death. Will kick off the following build tonight

    Drunken Boxing
    Caffeinated Dodger
    Sweet Sweet Wag

    I don't see the Dire Gourmand in the workshop. Is it safe to use or is it bugged? Looks like the modder abandoned it some time ago

    Can't wait for Daemonaholics. Will for sure demand a second run on this build
  14. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Although it may be easier to use, I strongly suggest avoiding Steam Workshop for mods. It can and will cause problems for you. You can grab all the mods you want right here and they will work perfectly for you. Here is the link to the Dire Gourmand thread.

    Rarefied Horse Meat is not often active here anymore. (I think.) I think about this time last year he found another hobby and quit modding.
    Kazeto likes this.
  15. Mochan

    Mochan Member

    Ooohhhh I am so looking forward to that! I was actually waiting for a mod like this. After doing the Glutton Build I was going for the Slurper build, but it was kind of hard since I didn't have enough skills -- basically just Baristocracy and Drunked Boxing, maybe Milk Man. I see someone posted something called Caffeinated Dodger, I will grab that too.

    Good luck on Daemonaholics, I'm always looking forward to your work, your mods are just awesome!
  16. TSED

    TSED Member

    A status update JUST FOR YOU: it's about 33% done. All of the 'stuff' is XML'd out, but bugsquishing is going to take some time and then I need to do up the art.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  17. Emilio

    Emilio Member

    Hello TSED,

    After going all the way till the end with the Glutton build I'd like to make a suggestion.

    The amount of food/liquor spawned by faltulence of the gods seems to be right now to much. Pretty much it was enough to keep me stocked on itens and always with enough to feed hammer of the guts and keep me at full health. The paladinner tree pretty much don't need the other skill trees to generate food to keep it rolling.

    I changed the spell for a quick playthrough in a way that it has a chance to spawn the same itens on death only, and it was a small chance, 5%. I think it worked better this way as I had a reason to use other ways to get myself food, and it was still easy to keep the tree rolling.

    In any case, an awesome mod that enables the most fun build I ever did. So fun that I'm waiting for daemonholics to try it again but with the mod elvish reality reborn and on permadeath

    TSED, Kazeto and OmniaNigrum like this.
  18. pseudoname

    pseudoname Member

    did it get past 33 yet?
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  19. Andras_Zodon

    Andras_Zodon Member

    Hope this isn't too much of a necropost. Paladinner seems to corrupt my saves while I have it loaded. I posted about this in the bugs forum section, but at the time I hadn't committed to checking mods one by one. Paladinner is at least one culprit. To elaborate on the issue, if it is loaded, I can make characters and play just fine, even save properly, and reload them. However, if the game exits, upon relaunching any saves that I made are corrupted and will spew random "failed to load mod x" messages.

    I also posted about this on the steam workshop for Paladinner, but I'm posting here too since I'm not sure which is the best way for you to see it.

    I don't think this is a conflict between mods, but I don't know enough about dredmor modding to say for sure. I started re-enabling the mods one by one, starting with the major packs (FaxPax, Compleat Essential Skills, Interior Dredmorating, etc), then started doing individual mods by author. First I activated all of Alistaire's item packs, and then I activated all of TSED's skills. The save corruption began occurring again, and I eventually narrowed the source down to Paladinner.

    If this sounds like a simple conflict to someone, let me know, but I'm inclined to think it isn't. I wanna play Paladinner so if anyone has any idea what's going on that'd be great. :(
    OmniaNigrum likes this.