Actually, it's not that difficult. It just is harder to make it sort of elegant instead of a mess that it can result in. But yeah, the way they did it is certainly something to behold.
Huh? The last I remembered, I was just a mortal. So don't bow to me, Essence - in the field of modding DoD you are the one who gets more respect. I just have weird ideas and am crazy enough to try some of them out, that is all.
I can't tell what's the best part about this mod. The items themselves, or the fact that it's expansion pack quality.
Expansion pack quality, my dear Chemlisana. It's good to see additional content, but when you see additional content in both great quality and quantity, it's a whole different thing.
Just to be fair, there is quite a bit of unused code sitting around in there that probably muddies things up. And I reworked the whole thing a couple times, so it is pretty messy.
I downloaded it... never got to try it there seems to be a missing png file... something about gas cannisters?
Do you have all the expansions to the game? Swashbucklers uses elements from the various expansions, so it probably won't load correctly if you don't have them. If gas canisters were mentioned in the error message, that probably means you're lacking the You Have To Name The Expansion Pack expansion. The good news is, that expansion's free.
Steam gets confused. Check the DLC itself and see if Steam missed one. If using another distributor, check anyway.
hmmm ok well i got it through Steam and i figured all DLCs were included i'll have to check it out thanks
I've studied the item set's XML stuff for a while, for my own mod which adds a bronze armour set, and had a few questions: - Do you have to wait for the PlayerHitEffectBuffs to go off, and is that why there's this part in the code? Code: <spell name="SetCheckerTrigger" type="self"> <effect type="trigger" spell="SetChecker" amount="0"/> <effect type="trigger" spell="SetCheckerTrigger" amount="2" /> </spell> ( SetCheckerTrigger triggers itself /twice/?) - While checking if the player has 3 items from the set, why is there this? Code: <spell name="IOSetCheckABC" type="self" > <effect type="trigger" amount="1" affectsCorpses="0" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Silks of the Commodore" spell="IOSetCheckABC2"/> </spell> <spell name="IOSetCheckABC2" type="self" > <effect type="trigger" amount="1" affectsCorpses="0" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Imperial Bicorne" spell="IOSetCheckABC3"/> </spell> <spell name="IOSetCheckABC3" type="self" > <effect type="trigger" amount="1" affectsCorpses="0" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Commodore's Saber" spell="IOSetBonus3"/> </spell> <spell name="IOSetCheckBCA" type="self" > <effect type="trigger" amount="1" affectsCorpses="0" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Imperial Bicorne" spell="IOSetCheckBCA2"/> </spell> <spell name="IOSetCheckBCA2" type="self" > <effect type="trigger" amount="1" affectsCorpses="0" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Commodore's Saber" spell="IOSetCheckBCA3"/> </spell> <spell name="IOSetCheckBCA3" type="self" > <effect type="trigger" amount="1" affectsCorpses="0" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Silks of the Commodore" spell="IOSetBonus3"/> </spell> <spell name="IOSetCheckCAB" type="self" > <effect type="trigger" amount="1" affectsCorpses="0" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Commodore's Saber" spell="IOSetCheckCAB2"/> </spell> <spell name="IOSetCheckCAB2" type="self" > <effect type="trigger" amount="1" affectsCorpses="0" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Silks of the Commodore" spell="IOSetCheckCAB3"/> </spell> <spell name="IOSetCheckCAB3" type="self" > <effect type="trigger" amount="1" affectsCorpses="0" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Imperial Bicorne" spell="IOSetBonus3"/> </spell> (You're basically checking for the same items right? Is the sequence of the buffs important? Does ABC have anything that BCA doesn't have? Is CAB superior?) ---- I'd like to know, because as confusing as it already is, MY script is completely the other way round. I check for A, then B, then C and lastly D, but that's it!
No, it does not. It is merely activated with a delay. It's fool-proofing the code. Every possible variant has to be checked, and there is no way to do it en masse so he had to code in every check. His item sets do not treat every item equally, which means your method isn't as applicable here as his. Or at least that's what I think it is - I will look at it once again when I am not literally falling to the side from fatigue.
I never got around to uploading this mod to steam workshop. The mod files still crash during the upload process. I have no idea why.
Alistaire, could you elaborate on that? There's more than one way to interpret "used an already existing item" and I'm not sure what you mean, exactly. I'd love to finally get this mod up on Steam. Thanks for the tip, but I just double-checked the files. It looks like can_push="0" is on every bit of railing and water, so you shouldn't be able to move them. Probably just a random glitch? Let us know if it happens consistently, and we'll look into it again. I could go either way on those. Per your suggestion, I changed them in my local files just now. If and when we make any more serious updates to the mod, it'll get "corrected" as well. I'd hate for everyone to waste time downloading a new version for three words of non-critical update to the hidden area of a room that rarely spawns. It only matters if you somehow get to that space without any teleport or knockback, which is not likely. Thank you for the compliment.