Right now, this: And pretty much anything else composed by this particular composer. Albeit right now primarily his metal section.
The last stuff I was listening to was Amon Amarth (not really any particular song or album, I usually just cue up like three or four albums when I'm playing games like Dredmor so I'll have music going for a while without having to loop )
I am a bad person: Also, listened to this one just over 2k times continuously as a challenge. (rather enjoyable especially compared to stuff like nyan cat).
It's been a while since I've shared what I'm listening to. Imho, there hasn't been enough folk music.
The Civilization games have had a whole lot of good music, and this is certainly one of the better examples.
Stumbled onto this gem while I was listening to Philipp Glass or something similiar. A Russian punk drummer who decided to play Piano. He has released free EPs as well, worth listening. Philip Satie is pretty great as well. My other recent addiction is Arcade Fire. Discovered The Suburbs only recently and have been listening to it a lot, great music and you always discover something new. Not sure what musical style that would be, it's rocky, but with pop elements. Great lyrics, catchy, awesome instrumentalization. I also love this. Minimal, but with a touch of orchestra and with vocals. Evocative and emotional, gives me goosebumps every time. Vocalist is Patrick Watson, fits perfectly. Do listen.
I don't know what the 'official' classification would be (or even if there is such a thing), but in the '80s it would have PROBABLY been considered 'New Wave' (at least that's the feeling I get from it). New Wave was what happened when punk started influencing mainstream music (ie. rock and/or pop). It's usually easier to name a song's influences rather than to try to classify it (and arguably a lot more meaningful). I was going to say that it sounds like this group was influenced partly by "The Kinks" "Village Green Preservation Society", but I went back and listened again to "The Kinks", and maybe not... I'll have to ponder it some more. There is certainly a familiar sound, at least at the start of the song.
And now I'm listening to this: Or rather, to everything made by this person (it's just that I'm listening to this particular piece while writing this post). And I'm thinking about buying his albums on BandCamp, since his music is good and the price isn't all that high. PS. Beware guys, this track is 20 minutes long.
I didn't listen to the whole thing, but when it started (not the music but the rain), I thought immediately of "Riders on the Storm" by The Doors: And while I'm at it, I don't think I've posted any Doors music previously, so here's a few of my favorites. A friend introduced me to "The Doors" back when I was in Jr. High or so, and I especially loved the sound of the Organ for some reason. Here's a great example: When I was in college, there were two different cheap movies run on campus by different campus groups. The one on Friday nights featuring more mainstream films, and one on Saturday nights called "Cinematech" which featured mostly old classics, cult films and foreign films and other unusual selections. The Friday night films would be introduced always with a selection from the Beatle's White Album (ending usually with "Everyone's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey"). The Saturday night films would be run by people who obviously were Doors fans, since this is what we'd generally hear before the movies: And this is just a really cool song -- I have no other reason to post it than its incredible and overwhelming coolness:
Kazeto, that was one awesome piece of music. This one should be pretty accessible: This one isn't, but I love the band so I must plug them more! Beware, you might take damage. Simply goreous.