I notice a lot of different professions for the citizens of Our Glorious Clockwork Empire of Magicka and Arcana Obscura waitimmixingtwogames but thus far I have not noticed any professions that one could consider...outside the law. Is there an opportunity for a budding career criminal, cutpurse, sneakthief, cat-burglar, second-story man, mafioso, yakuza, triad, or preemptive archaeologist to make ends (preferably someone else's ends) meet?
I am not sure how that would fit in with the game. If there is a single player rogue like that is part of the game I could see it. If there isn't then those professions would be there mostly for flavor. Soldiers that have bad dragon tattoo's and facial scars would just be renamed Yakuza.
How do you figure? Crime--especially organized crime--is firstly a significant part of society. I would venture that it is the reason we have society and its rules. Further, it would give the military units something to do when there's not a war on or Innsmouthian Cthulhuesque incursions from Madnesstown.
I think this is an excellent idea, although I'm not sure about whether I'd want the feature right away. After all, it looks like we'll have quite enough to worry about, what with the Madness and the lovely-stated Innsmouthian Cthulhuesque incursions. Now imagine if your citizens, in addition to going Mad because of Poets or being devoured by large multi-tentacled beasts, if they decided to join organized crime and your colony became an unruly bunch of crimelords fighting over turf... you know what, nevermind. That sounds awesome. I want it right away!
I have no idea how the game plays but I do know it is inspired by games like dwarf fortress. If it is anything like that then your military will usually be busy training and patrolling. Most of the recruits you get in those games are pretty green and can take a while to train (unless you abuse danger rooms). As for unruly citizens I deal with them the same way I deal with DF tantrum spirals, I give my chief hammerer a platinum mace and watch him beat the life out of the citizen.
I think I already asked how police and crimes will be implemented, but I never got an answer. I guess since the citizens can go mad and sabotage (more or less confirmed) your settlement it would make sense for normal crimes not to be there. And since they have to fullfill needs I think they´ll at least steal food or something like that. But at least cultists and mad people will give your military/city guards something to do.
"Citizens"? What is this, the Republique Mechanique where everything, human and machine, is supposedly "equal"? In The Empire we are all good Subjects of The Queen, and don't you forget it, sir! (Or, for the purposes of development, I force people to use the word "characters".)
...note the complete and deliberate failure to address the notion of the Criminal Underworld. I think this should be interpreted to Mean Things. This is as opposed to being interpreted to Mean Girls, which is completely different.
On that, actually. Perhaps it would be in the best interests of Her Majesty, Queen Cogzabeth IV(1), if Her loyal subjects were to be able to be Processed at Perfectly Safe Factories. In some cases, Her Majesty might feel that certain exemplary members of Her loyal subjects--particularly Her great and glorious military--might be well-served with some Perfectly Safe Cybernaughtic Enhancements, while others might be better served by providing Definitely Not Soylent Green Sustaining Edibles for the rest of Her subjects. ______________ (1) Her Inventress, the Machinist: Cogzabeth, Fourth of the Name, Queen of the Holy Mecha-Empire; Protector of the New World; Overlord of the Duchies of Old Sogwood, Shiveringhope, New Sogwood, New New Sogwood, Empapadomadera, and Nuevo Empapadomadera; Inventor of the Heliograph; Grand Mistress of the Anti-Paranormal Investigation Squad; Wielder of the Phlogistinatrix; Countess of Laudaninium; Knight of the Dragon; Knight Companion of the Most Magnificent Imperial Order of the Sovereign Viking Crown; Princess of Heliosunde; High Holy Priestess of the Church of the Machine; Honorary Mustache Club Treasurer; and Lady of the Golden Cog Throne.