Im working on my first mod i set everything up just like said to and added an item. There was no "Mods" folder so i added one. Now i am trying to load my mood But its not snowing up. My files are set up like this "Dungeons of Dredmor/Mods/More Weapons! (And Items!)/Mod.xml" "Dungeons of Dredmor/Mods/More Weapons! (And Items!)/Items/The Best Iron Sword" (this is the icon for my item) "Dungeons of Dredmor/Mods/More Weapons! (And Items!)/itemDB.xml" I can give some screen shots of my files if you wold like. If anyone can help that wold be great Thanks. P.S Im on a mac.
Inside of the "More Weapons! (And Items!)" folder, you need another folder named "mod" (make sure it's lower case). Put the XML files in that.
Its still not showing up could you write out how the files should be nested please. also im not sure if I'm putting my png files in the right place
You ought to make life easier on yourself and not give your folders or file names long names. Give that first folder a 1 or 2 word name. You probably want to avoid punctuation as well. Let's say you name the mod's primary folder More Weapons. All .XML files go to: "mods/More Weapons/mod" You can really put .PNGs in any named fold you want to add, but it's more organized to put them in folders that mimic the names of DoD's folders. Put all item .PNGs in "mods/More Weapons/items". Each item doesn't get its own folder. Do not put spaces in .PNG file names and keep them short. Note that all folders use lower-case letters. The only folder that allows caps is the folder that represents the name of your mod.
did what you said and its still not showing up. Here are some screen shots of the files let me know if you see something i did wrong.
Are you saying that the mod doesn't show up in the launcher, where you choose which mods to turn on? You appear to have it all set up correctly, but then again I don't have a Mac.
Behing a folder or a zip is just the same for dredmor. Then it's not what the work lacks. Also, I don't think Macs nowadays are different from PCs for DoD. Let us look at itemDB.xml, there could be problems there.
Yes the mod does not show up in the launcher. Here is the itemDB.xml. After i took this screen shot i switched from a zip file and unlocked both xml files thinking that might be the problem it did not help.
The iconFile seems wrong: try put a simpler name on the Best Iron Sword filename, or just change those blank spaces with _ instead (the_best_iron_sword). Also, don't forget to put .png after the name (the_best_iron_sword.png). This is something it bugged me for the whole day, I kept forgotting adding the filetype (.png) to my icons for a mod I'm making. Lemme know if this is enough.
I changed the name of the item to just "Iron" and made sure the extension was .png on both the image and the "ItemDB" and it's still not working. you guys keep bringing up more problems i have and i keep fixing them but there must be something I'm missing. Thanks for all your help.
here is the link to my mods folder i uploaded it to dropbox because the forums wont let me share folders. Also jest to make sure you know DoD did not have a mods folder so I created one.
It seems that your xml files are in some weird format, the ModValidator has just gone crazy and I've never saw such files. It doesn't even open properly in NotePad, so I think that's the problem. Aside from that (remake both xml with a different program, or modify an existing xml to make yours), items folder has a capital letter (Items) which must be avoided. That and also don't make so simply filename for nothing, even for items, since the game could already have "iron", better bestironsword or something similar.
Well should be avoided, at any rate. It should still work but you have to remember to put in that capital letter every time you mention that folder in a filepath because Dungeons of Dredmor's handling of files is unusually case sensitive.
so even if a folder is not capitalized I should still capitalize it when i use it in a filepath? sorry but is that really the case or am i misunderstanding you.