What games are you playing and why?

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by OmniaNigrum, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. Monkooky

    Monkooky Member

    I haven't played skyward sword yet. Does Fi manage to be as irritating as the Hey! Listen! from ocarina of time?
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Yes. Very much yes.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  3. Turbo164

    Turbo164 Member


    Link Fi Clippy.jpg

    (Haven't played it myself)
    Essence, Daynab, Monkooky and 4 others like this.
  4. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Started the latest installment in a franchise I grew up with today. Yup, none other than Might & Magic X: Legacy. It's... well, you kinda have to compare it to Grimrock, because even though M&M did grid-based stuff before Grimrock did, it's become basically the best example of it in recent years, and after a few more free-form titles (especially IX and Dark Messiah) it's more a return to form, so yeah. Um. Basically it plays pretty well, albeit a little sluggish and with some kinda poor graphics (not to mention a UI that doesn't scale, but instead 'shrinks', giving poor text quality, etc), but it's not bad at all. I've had a bit of fun with it, and the design is promising.

    But right now, as it's 'Early Access' (read: paid beta w/ more game to come later), it's clearly a little rough around the edges. Um. I don't know where I'm going with this.

    Simply put: I like it.
    Kazeto, Haldurson and OmniaNigrum like this.
  5. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    I kinda liked Might and Magic as well back in the day, but always had difficulty navigating. I've always had problems with old-school games where you have to do your own mapping or get hopelessly lost -- my sense of direction has always been horrible, and I hated manual record keeping. While the series in the early days was certainly one to take notice of, it did not age well, and as later versions came out, I'd already seen games like ES: Arena and Ultima Underworld, and Fallout and the like. I did play the later games, but they were clearly not keeping up with the evolution of RPGs. They were fun, but honestly, they'd been overtaken and surpassed. I guess my expectations had been raised by some of the competitors. But back in the day, they were among the best.

    I guess I'll take a look at M&M: Legacy. I'd tried replaying one of the later M&M games a few months ago, and I couldn't stick with it.
    Kazeto and OmniaNigrum like this.
  6. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I know some strongly disagree with me, but I think they went the wrong way with the spin-off "Heroes of" M&M series. M&M 1-7 or so were great, but every one past that was terrible in its own unique ways.

    M&M Legacy looks good, but they have had abominations before that looked good until you get knee deep into the game and realize the many fatal flaws. Time will tell with this one. But requiring UPlay to play the game may sink the ship before it even leaves the harbor.

    I for one never pay to play a beta. Free would be one thing while in beta, but paying full price for a daily crashfest sounds as appealing as eating my own eyeballs.
    LionsDen and Kazeto like this.
  7. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    How? It's a spin-off that very quickly went in its own direction, not to mention it was based on JVC's earlier King's Bounty. HoMM is - IMHO - actually a better series than M&M, but that's because I kinda like those strategy games.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  8. Xyvik

    Xyvik Member

    I've been playing the alpha for Sir, You Are Being Hunted and also just got the alpha for 7 Days to Die. Both have been extremely fun. Sir in particular is amazingly polished for an alpha.

    Also, I only play DOTA2 with my wife and friends vs bots. I would never venture to play with real people, but that's mostly because I have a severe aversion to playing competitive games. I managed to get myself into the StarCraft 2 1v1 Gold league once and that was about as far as I go.

    ((Also, been playing Sanctum with my wife these past few days as part of an anniversary celebration. It's now sort of becoming a tradition))

    ((Also, been doing some freelance quest-writing work for a little game called Frontiers. I'm not allowed to talk about what I'm doing, but I can tell you this much: it's going to be awesome. Pure, total awesome.))
    OmniaNigrum and Kazeto like this.
  9. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Need more actually be said?

    You like it because it is more of a strategy game than a true RPG. Whereas I rather liked the RPG elements of the original and saw the change as less enjoyable.
    Kazeto likes this.
  10. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    But it wasn't a change. Whilst it's shared the universe and aspects of it (in fact, M&MX:L is set in the same world as all(?) of Ubisoft's own titles, Ashan), it's never replaced the M&M titles nor has it particularly influenced them. It was JVC/NWC making a different sort of game in the same world.

    And it's not like there weren't other RPGs to play, whereas HoMM (now MMH) has typically been the only major player in its own arena (Disciples and King's Bounty being, arguably, the only current competitors)
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  11. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Well, just played through Dead Space 3, from the humble bundle, and started up a new game+...
    OmniaNigrum likes this.

    MOOMANiBE Ah, those were the days. Staff Member

    Payday 2 - A bit grindy, and some weird skill trees, but shockingly enjoyable overall. GREAT soundtrack.
    Battlefield 3 - I expected to enjoy this since I am a fan of the BF series. Siiiigh. I suppose my long origin boycott is finally at an end. :\
    The Entire Phoenix Wright Series - Yeah, I'm a huge fan of this series. Playing it all through again in anticipation of the new one coming out later this year.
    Dragon's Crown - Fun, arcadey action. The art is pretty phenomenal in quality, if... reaaaallly tasteless at times. The game itself is well made and VERY replayable, but fairly repetitive.
    Plants vs Zombies 2 - PvZ 1 without the tight balance or careful progression. Everything enjoyable about it, it took from PvZ1. The original was brilliant, but this is merely.. a decent tower defense game. Enjoyable, but nowhere near the quality I expected. Ah well..
    OmniaNigrum and Kazeto like this.

    MOOMANiBE Ah, those were the days. Staff Member

    That's definitely on my wishlist. Does it have depth/replayability, thouh?
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  14. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    Yeah, when I found out there was going to be a store, my expectations for a game as good as the first went down drastically. Whenever they add a store, quality almost always seems to suffer. They are too worried about how to get you to spend more money than they are about having a good gaming experience.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.

    MOOMANiBE Ah, those were the days. Staff Member

    It's not "add a store". the entire game is Free-to-play. And it's structured around that very fact.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  16. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    Yes it's free to play but it looks like some things can only be gotten by purchasing them. I don't mind cheats and such for single player games for people that want to purchase them but plants? If the only way to get them is by purchasing then it cripples the game a bit for people that don't purchase them.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  17. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    That's kinda the point.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  18. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Free to Play is a great idea, but I too automatically loathe anything with "Premium" whatever added to soak money from people. Most such things say they do not ruin balance, but often that is a bold lie.

    I have not actually been playing much lately, but I am still on a seemingly endless Let's Play marathon. My current playlist is Risen. I played the game a bit recently, but quit once I could not decide which way to go.
    Aegho and Kazeto like this.
  19. Xyvik

    Xyvik Member

    It's hard to say in an alpha, but I've had a good time creating new islands. The middle island, so far, is always the same type but there are several other types you can make any of the other 4 islands, which gives something different. I wouldn't say it has depth, though, as the structure is very simple.

    Atmosphere, however, it has in spades. And that's what keeps drawing me back.
    OmniaNigrum and Kazeto like this.
  20. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    Very cool. I donated to the kickstarter and I have high hopes for it.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.