So, for health reasons I tend to use the game on a laptop in bed, which means I'm stuck using a touchpad as a mouse while it's on my lap, which, is okay in moderation but not exactly the most convenient thing to do. Especially when I'm playing a rogue scientist build which involves lots of crafting, and, as such, moving around items. Certainly being ABLE to use a mouse is a great asset for making the game accessible, but nearly everything requires it currently and using a mouse isn't always the easiest thing ever. (That or, if there are keyboard shortcuts I'm unaware of, provide better documentation of them Possibly both ) Also on that note, more quick slots for spells would be handy, because its very easy to run out and if you have more than nine spells you need to use regularly (very possibly with mage builds) it gets painful. (especially when combined with my aforementioned "mice are kind of painful to use") (This may have already been suggested, and if so sorry >.<)
Badly needed. Among other things, I have to remeber to not use keyboard movement, since it tends to get you killed on higher speeds (for the sake of massed animation acceleration) and does not have any way to handle traps.
You should automatically attempt to disarm any traps you step on, just like you automatically attack any monster you run into.
Horrible idea! The PC should stop in front of a trap if it encounters one while autowalking (does this happen already?), but if you go merrily strolling over one, you have no one to blame but yourself for any pain that ensues. They're TRAPS.
This one doesn't require either, as the traps punish lack of caution. Not much different to if you try to walk straight through a room crammed with out-of-depth muscle diggles.
It punishes lack of attention, not lack of caution. And again, attention (etc.) shouldn't be a factor in a non-real-time game. If I wanted a game I had to pay attention to I'd play Dungeon Keeper or something. EDIT: It also punishes cheap keyboards that take a while to register a keyup signal as well as that glitch in the game where the character sometimes walks continually in one direction without player input.