magic regeneration

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by youtoo, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. youtoo

    youtoo Member

    I found a good piece of armor, but it has -1 magic regeneration. i cant afford that because i use viking wizardry. looking for item/craft help to get something that gives +1 magic regeneration to make up for it.

    level 11
    smithing level 6 (is there a reason to do level 6? I dont see any more recipes?)
    polearm: 2
    dual wield 2
    burglary 2
    communism 2
    viking wizardry 3
    tinkering 1

    may be off slightly on skills.
  2. Gorbax

    Gorbax Member

    Maybe it's a coincidence, but a lot of the artifact rings I find have :life_regen: or :mana_regen:
  3. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    There's a lot of items in general with +:mana_regen:. But that said, with that kind of build, you don't really need a lot of mana anyway. I wouldn't be terribly concerned. As you get higher in level, and better gear, mana regen will become less important to you. In more magical buff-heavy builds, magic regen becomes a lot more important (such as typically happens with Astrology or Egyptian Magic). If you have a buildl which will be heavily dependent on magic (unlike yours) you are going to probably want skills like ley walker or blood magic.

    Think of it like this. You are a melee fighter, with an extra trick or two up your sleeves from Viking Wizardry. It's no more than that. Build the best melee fighter you can, and if you happen to find items with magic regen, good for you. But don't worry too much if you don't.
    Kazeto likes this.
  4. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    Yes, but they are most likely hidden (you'll find them at random from bookcases, plus Paranormal Investigator will give you some). If you want to see some recipe spoilers, look here:
    Your crafting skills can go up higher than that still. Unmodded, there are recipes that require a skill of 7, modded, you probably may need an 8 to craft everything.
    Kazeto likes this.
  5. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    If it is just one point, it's unlikely that it will hurt you all that much.

    Looking at what you have, it is easy to see that Viking Wizardry is supposed to be used for support more than for its offensive abilities. Thus, one point won't be all that noticeable considering the rest of the stats.