Technology Thread

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by EleSigma, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. EleSigma

    EleSigma Member

    So we know there will be a research/invention aspect in the game and apparently leaving your scientists unchecked can cause some wonderful "fun". So how far will the Victorian and clockwork inventions go?

    I would think it would be cool to see some of the late Victorian era inventions like cameras, only for the society in game to go overboard with it and attempt to weaponize them somehow or do something else crazy with them.

    For instance a camera "gun" with some forbidden otherworldly, item that scientist Robert Clumperbottle dug up in his backyard and attached to it that, when pointed at an enemy emits a flash which kills them by "stealing their soul". and spits out madness inducing pictures of the victims that you can hang up on your wall (think of that as the discarded bullet casings).

    Also is there any word on what other things might be included? Would there be telegraphs and telegraph lines that would allow your colony to communicate with other colonies and the homeland? Or steam trucks and mini-trains (for the cart tracks) to transport goods?
    Kazeto likes this.
  2. SangerZonvolt

    SangerZonvolt Member

    Well since Steambots are confirmed I donĀ“t think that the things you named would be to far off.
    Kazeto likes this.
  3. astaldaran

    astaldaran Member

    This in fact would be pretty cool. For myself though, I feel like I still don't really have any idea how the game mechanics of production work. What sorts of things can be mined, will what you have access to vary with the map. I also really want to know what kind of struggle there is at the beginning of the game to get the colony going. I'm hoping that an experienced player can get going nearly every time but that sometimes you fail (get over run by natives, disease etc).
    Kazeto and EleSigma like this.
  4. Those damn fish people...
  5. astaldaran

    astaldaran Member

    ....and we get a great blog today about the economy! Sweet. I like the labor architecture; a good way to look at it..though I'm guessing different labor actions take different amount of time (besides travel)? Therefore how many actions must completed to create something is not the entire picture (which I think was hinted at in the blog).
    Kazeto likes this.
  6. fleshyechidna

    fleshyechidna Member

    As far as technology is concerned all I really want is a Martini Henry Gauss Rifle. Also requesting that the power of said Gauss Rifle depends of the strength of the baritones/tenors while singing.
    Kazeto likes this.
  7. Mystrogak

    Mystrogak Member

    1.Multipurpose tools, i want to develop a perfectly safe steam powered combine harvester, which coincidentally can murder a whole crowd (be it a group of friendly mourning farmers after an accident, or an angry horde of fish people who need removing!).

    2.Research and technology is actually a big question thematically for the game. If you are just a mere bureaucrat and have no particular scientific knowledge surely you should just be funding various science programs, and the scientists come up with something interesting and creative based on the specifications you gave them. The results of such funding might or might not actually help with your intended goal. I mean that's how science works, I bet the guy who invented the laser didn't think it would be used for bar-coding toilet paper at your local corner-shop, but instead figured it would be used for hyper-dimensional beams of death. This is how i imagined science+tech might work in game:

    A) i want you to science me something that will make more food
    B) i want you to science me something that will kill
    C) I want you to science me more productivity

    And then the science team will say, hey well i was working on some machinery to help gather the crops like you ordered oh powerful head of our colony, but whilst playing around with these cogs and various pressurized saws i infact made the blueprints for a murderous swirlingdirvish of blades; want me to continue research and begin manufacture! (oh and btw there is now 5% boost to crop harvesting).
    Kazeto likes this.