I strongly advise those who hate the less useful classes and races to try the addon called "Ignore Race/Class Locks". It works wonders and avoids cheating like I did when I started playing years ago. If this was available back when I started, I would still be working to unlock a few things. And yes, that is me arguing against this addon in the comments. I was wrong. (Believe it or not, it occasionally happens. )
Well I just finished Tomb Raider with 95% completion... it only took me 6 hours, a bit on the short side, and I did all the optional tombs. Quite a ride while it lasted though, well worth the discounted price, but not retail. Also played through the first chapter and a bit of the second of The Walking Dead, and I started up a bit with Gunpoint. Sidenote: My biggest gripe with Tomb Raider was the camera, which it felt like I was fighting at times. I actually developed neck pain from all the involuntary craning the camera was making me do, because of how restricted and quarrelsome it was in 3rd person(ie: any time I wasn't aiming down sights).
PS3: LEGO Marvel Superheroes - I know it's been like a third of the price on PC, but I thought getting it on console would save me issues and also let me get the DLC (something that seems to never happen on PC). Um. Yeah. Screen-tearing EVERYWHERE, performance issues and it's vaguely ugly. But when it works it's pretty fun, but I think Traveller's Tales are... kinda poor. They have no real ability to pace levels, and they dangle too much cool stuff in front of you. It's distracting. But it's a LEGO game, so it's reasonably good. LittleBigPlanet - Frustrating platformer, but fun. LittleBigPlanet Karting - Passable karting game. Really pales in comparison to the latest Sonic Racing game, which has some of THE best karting mechanics I've seen. PC: Borderlands 2 GotY - Yeah, I didn't think I'd ever get this, what with the higher-ups in the studio being... yeah. But I've wanted BL2 for a long while, and I finally caved. Been running around as Gaige and enjoying myself.
Currently, I'm playing Blade Symphony. It's basically Bushido Blade reimagined with a health bar, PC-friendly controls, and some cool character customization options. One of those "early access" games that puts a bad taste in peoples' mouths, but it's surprisingly fleshed-out and realized considering how early in development it is. I've sunk a few dozen hours into it (mostly because FO:NV and every other game that isn't BSym or ToME are inexplicably giving me constant TDR errors but that's beside the point) and while I wouldn't call myself good by any means, it's quite accessible and easy to get into with a high skill roof. The community is a mixed bag, but I've seen worse.
Then something is wrong with either your graphics drivers, graphics card, or RAM. FO:NV was horribly horribly unstable when I first got it, turns out the fault was with my RAM.
The last few times I installed FO:NV it was very stable for me. I could play it for five or six hours at a time before it crashed. I rarely saved, and never autosaved, so I usually lost an hour or two each time. But are we talking about FO:NV vanilla or modded to all hell? I played it both ways, and found that with a bit of work, it is more stable modded way past crazy. Interiors are the most stable to save in due to the smaller space. I consider myself an expert at resolving mod conflicts in the Fallout series. PM me if you have trouble and I can walk you through making a merge patch that will resolve almost any conflicts. (Or you can search Youtube for "Fallout New Vegas Merge Patch")
I got Prime World Defenders in a recent bundle and it's not a bad game. It could use a few tweaks and it does require saving to their servers but I like it. It combines card mechanics with tower defense. You can also level up your cards in two different manners. I have been playing quite a bit of it for the past week or so. It does require Steam to play it though, at least my copy only got me a Steam key for the game.
In case you missed my rant earlier: *Don't buy any Unique packs until you beat mission 13-ish; whenever the "hey we added more stuff to Unique packs" popup appears. (even after that popup, I got 11 Dragon towers before my first Sun tower) *Don't Evolve a Yellow + Green. If you evolve Yellow + Yellow you get a stat boost that the game never tells you about but is impossible to gain if you've already combined a yellow and a green. *Don't do missions if the rewards could put you above max inventory or your game and/or save file can crash. Game as-is gets a D- from me. Remove the CCG elements and have towers unlock through missions/nonrandomshopping like most TDs and it would bump up to a B-; once you get 4 of each tower to Evolve and the 60-ish hours of grinding to Fuse them, the actual tower placement and spellcasting is pretty fun. There's just way too many things preventing you from reaching that stage of the game, and the horrible story, grammer, tooltips, and voice acting don't help :/ Edit: lol, just read some reviews on Steam, seems a lot of people picked up on the "this game was probably designed to have microtransactions but doesn't" vibe. Game really seems designed to trick you into wasting hours of work, then offering to let you fix yourtheir mistakes by spending a few bucks to buy non-random cards.
Eldritch. Are you going to throw that stone? Really? I don't believe you. I can see your soul. Deep inside your chest. Yes. Your soul. You won't do it. Trust me. You won't.
Injustice Ultimate Edition. Better than I expected. Meh sorry but I'm too tired, I'll keep it brief: it has all the features in a fighting game that you'd want. You can knock your enemy out of the level, great fun how the other then crashes through all kinds of stuff into the new one (does damage), and you can take background props like pianoes or missiles and ram them into your enemy. Big roster, multiple outfits. DC universe. Only downside is that it's sort of hard to judge where a blow will land or what will trump what doesn't feel really intuitive, but that will improve after practice.
Just finished Beyond: Two Souls on the PS3. I mean it's frustrating sometimes and the controls are a little wonky and the animations sometimes look goofy and it has performance issues and is a bit up its own arse but holy hellfire it's an excellent, excellent experience. Proof of its excellence:
Starsector is really, really fun, especially considering the early state it's in. http://fractalsoftworks.com/ Also David did the art for it.
I've started playing rogue legacy which I got from the humble store in the final day of the steam sale... very frustrating, yet somehow addictive, and I'm not really a fan of platformers. Also started up the first Mass Effect, got the trilogy from amazon sometime in the days between christmas and new year. Planning to play through the whole thing, we'll see. So far I've made it to the citadel.