Hello, Gaslamp-er-ians, I've been playing some DnD at my college with some friends, and as my wizard is getting close to prestiging, I've put some research into trying to find a sheet for a Mathemagician class, but nobody appears to have ventured to do this as of yet. I have a few ideas for the class already, but I was wondering if you guys might be able to help with some ideas?
This should be in the modding category. All the stuff you are interested in is in XML format, so it is easy to read and edit. *Edit* Disregard my post. I should really have my precious Coffee before I go checking the forums...
Ideas: The existing spells (Froda's, Beklams, Golden Ratio, Zen, Xeuclids, Recursive) don't have many existing analogs in DnD, aside from Xeuclids being similar to Dimension Door. The new ones could either be made into new spells to be added to your Wizard spellbook (or Sorc Spells Known, if you somehow do math with Charisma ), or be Spell Like Abilities X/day. I imagine rerolls X/day would be a flavorful bonus. "What? A natural 1? That is statistically unlikely!" *replaces with a 17* and/or something similar to the Improvisation spell from Complete Adventurer. A few other cross-class spells might be gained too, like Entropic Shield or something. The Coat of Tweed could be made as a generic, craftable item with the appropriate feats, or potentially go the Kensai route and have your mundane coat be chosen as your special attire, and gain bonuses with each level (+knowledge checks, +will saves, +spells/day, -diplomacy checks at social gatherings with non-mathemeticians, etc).
I edited my above post, but left in my confused reply so the replies to it make sense. My apologies. Coffee was not in me when I read the post and I totally missed the point of it.
Honestly, it depends on your DM. If you have one who is willing to let people experiment for as long as it is not for the sake of power-gaming to break the game, I think it might be the best to show this to your DM and ask him to work with you to create a prestige class of this sort just for you, with skills/spells just for it. Sure, it does take time but it's totally possible, and I do remember creating two prestige classes a long time ago, though in my case it was not for me but for my friends; I was the one who did it because I was the one most skilled at bending rules and power-gaming, and I got the DM's permission to help for as long as I promised the final result would be “balanced and not exploitable by those I'm making it for”.
Well, Kazeto, this is the DM and I's little project together, so I do have a lot of creative freedom here. And I told him about your ideas, turbo, and he really likes them, too. Thank you. A couple of our own ideas were a dagger of parity, it deals damage to both me and my target, Fibonacci's Reverie, a channeled spell that deals 1, then 1, then 2, then 3, then 5, then 8 etc. damage as long as it runs, and a couple other things I can't remember right now.