I am not sure if this has been posted already (but I saw a similar thread on slavery) so I am sorry if this has already been commented. Will we be able to put our vile filth in a prision camp and make them work? ( dangerous jobs, like mining, Eldritch horrors scavation and so on...) They would be a cheap labor, but really sad and angry people, who might get acess to dynamite and might explode the guards. Will this be done somehow? I know there is some moral implications though, and I hope this don't offend anyone.
Aren't prisons going to be in the game though? (Not forced labor, just prisons) That and insane asylums?
Which brings up the question... how many criminals does it take before it becomes necessary to build a prison and not just hang them? And how many crazy people does it require before you decide not to simply assume you are dealing with a poet, and have to put them in prison (I mean an asylum).
It will probably be like Dwarf Fortress where you build prison cells and crazy rooms to tie up criminals and insane since outright executing them will upset any friends and relatives and might cause a chain reaction. Though from what I understand from reading many a CE articles and forum posts, chain reactions can happen but it's not as unstable as it is in DF where one dwarf's sudden death can cause the entire colony to spontaneously go from perfect happiness and into a cannibalistic bloodbath.
Why wouldn't it be more like a real frontier town? We're talking about people, in an alternate kind of history, not dwarves. I don't know how dwarven civilization works, but we have some clues as to how humans deal with these kinds of problems. I honestly think that history is a better model of how things work as far as crime and punishment for this game, than Dwarf Fortress.
Copious alcoholism. Monsters? Ale. Tough day in the mine? Ale. Buddy drowned in a vat of ale? Ale. From a different vat if feasible.
I don't know about prisons in the colonies. Part of the point of the colonies in the first place was to have a place to dump prisoners so that they didn't stay in prisons! So it is kind of a prison to begin with.
Ah, I get it. All colonists are prisoners, and the entire colony IS the Gulag. That said, even prisoners require punishment at some point.
You don't think being subjected to Constant Terrors, fishpersons, and untold horrors from beyond counts as punishment?
Can't you just order your Army members to shoot the scum that just made off into the woods with one of your fine liquor bottles? I am not for executing people, but there should be some kind of "Toggle-to-mark-as-target" Button for all sick psychos out there. Like me! MOHAHA! Me: "I think I might be a psychopath..." My Sister: "How come? Me: "You know how killing people in video games is EXTREMLY fun?" My Sister: "Yes?" Me: "Yeah. That."