
Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Humbert Cumberdale, May 29, 2014.

  1. Will be there natives on this game? If so, what sort of interactions would we have with them? If not, will the fishpeople make this role? (and also, interaction, I want to interact with them *cof exterminate cof*)

    Sorry if this has already been covered.
  2. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Do fish people count? I think GLG mentioned they wanted to avoid overt racial themes and make them speciest and classist instead.
  3. Trekkin

    Trekkin Member

    Would natives necessarily require bringing race into it, though? I see no reason for them not to be like the Empire, just orders of magnitude closer to our colony.

    If there are natives, I hope we can trade with them, ideally with much less time lag than sending a cargo airship back to the Empire. Perhaps whoever's manning the trade depot/dock/aerodrome/mole machine pen can get disturbed over them acquiring the "Innsmouth Look" as a sort of early warning system for periods of elevated fishpeople activity. Invasions and wars and so forth naturally depend on how CE ends up implementing global politics, but I'd be shocked if we could conduct genocide, as Humbert appears to be suggesting.
  4. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    I try to look at these things from a historical issue, and natives tended not to do so well when encountering explorers, EXCEPT when those natives were technologically and militarily strong (and even then they sometimes didnt' fare so well). Even if there were the best of intentions, you still would have things like smallpox and religious/culltural intolerance, and so on. On the rare occasion, things might go well in the short term. But 10 years later, odds are something will have to give.
  5. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    There won't be any native, tribal humans. We thought about this a lot, and the final analysis of this was that it doesn't propel the sorts of stories that we want to tell. There's a way to portray that sort of thing in a thoughtful, valuable way, but this isn't the right game for that.
  6. SangerZonvolt

    SangerZonvolt Member

    I allways assumed the Fishpeople would fill the tribesman quota.
  7. We will be able to ''dialog'' with the fishpeople?
  8. SangerZonvolt

    SangerZonvolt Member

    Don´t know what´s planed but on some pics it looked like you can at least coexist.
  9. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    Well, unless you can manage to poison the entire coastline/fish people habitat, coexisting is the only option other than death. The main question is will peacefull coexistence be possible -- I assume that's what you meant. Could you link one of those pictures you mentioned?

    If this is the case (which I'm not convinced that you are right about), is communication or trade or diplomacy possible?
  10. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    From what I remember, the idea is that they are more likely to attack your colony if you engage in overfishing (the colonists in canada and the US did decimate atlantic cod, so there is some precedent). Maybe they could be implemented in a similar manner to elves in dwarf fortress, where you can trade with them for fish and they're generally peaceful, but will be angered if you catch too many fish yourself?
  11. SangerZonvolt

    SangerZonvolt Member


    It was this one with coloniosts stealing the eggs of the fish people and the tagline was "But look at those creepy fishpeople! They sure are angry.". I am just assuming that if you can make them angry by stealing their eggs that there´s also a non angry behaviour. So maybe you can´t interact with them on a higher level but you can at least try to ignore each other. Till the inevitable war for ressources, at least.

    Also notice that the fishpeople have thought bubbles, indicating that they will be sentinent (at least I haven´t seen any though bubbles above chickens on any of the screens yet).