So, when we do find bugs in the earliest access stuff... what should we do with them exactly? Do you guys have some sort of public facing bug tracking system we can abuse, should we post them here somewhere, or are we supposed to tie a note to a rock and fire it into your office window via steam-cannon? I know I personally would prefer a formal tracking system as I rather like getting notices when bugs are fixed, or at least marked as fixed with accompanying "No we are NOT going to put pink tutus on the steam knights and it is NOT a bug that they don't have them!" messages.
Even a form of some sort that injects into a bug tracker queue. Be simpler to administer than sorting a few thousand reporter accounts. Edit : or add a bug reporting forum, like I found mentioned elsewhere, that would be simpler.
You could make that bug tracker be a part of the game; When you find a bug, you sacrifice a colonist while chanting lua -code. A giant, red bug emerges from the guts of the unlucky colonist and delivers your message to devs. The rise of madness among colonists is directly proportional to the length of the report.
Bug: Bug Tracker bug ate my loyal tracker before bug could be submitted. New bug generated to rep-Wait, Noooooooo....................
We have a system we should be launching tomorrow, on top of one that we've been using internally. Should be a form to report bugs that you can use, or alternatively you can post bugs in the bugs forum that will open up tomorrow. We track and post the ticket number to our internal bugtracker (for our convenience and to let you know that we know about the bug). We might also be coming up with some other stuff, not sure yet.
Are we going to get keys and be able to link our accounts to this forum to gain access to the bug forums or is it going to be something that's publically accessible?
Will you have some sort of publicly visible digest of submitted bugs that is exported from it? Mostly I just want a central list of known/acknowledged bugs to help reduce duplicates. (Well unless your system just uses those to help rank bugs in order of urgency. In which case reducing duplicates would be counter-productive.)