Earliest Access Feedback and Reactions

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by convolutedthinker, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. Le Manticore

    Le Manticore Member

    Okay I have it fixed, I think! It was as simple as selecting 'run with graphics processor' and choosing the graphics card. I shall return with tales of actual gameplay to tell!
  2. ircubic

    ircubic Member

    My current list of feedback:

    1. The explore marker is invisible for me outside of the fog of war, and it also doesn't disappear when reached (same with rally marker as previously mentioned)
    2. Assigning work crews to workshops seems to be entirely random, and permanent. My crew of miners, with only the mining job enabled, was assigned to man the kitchen. The button I think would make the overseer relinquish the workshop did nothing. My population was starving until I could swap the miners with normal laborers and swap the tasks around.
    3. It would be helpful to see the workshop name and type an overseer has claimed in the work crew window, and not have to hunt down every workshop and click on them to see what overseers are where.
    4. When planning a building it would be nice if the resource icons gave an indication if that amount of the resource actually is in stock (maybe show an x/y, or make the number red if not enough are present)
    5. I would like to be able to turn off showing roofs. Just a visual preference.
    6. My workers would only seemingly fill up stockpiles once, then only randomly fill it back up as it was being emptied. I ended up having two stockpiles with half of its squares unused, never being filled again, while clutter built up on the ground. Making a new stockpile caused a massive hauling frenzy, but it was promptly left to deteriorate and ended up in the same half-filled state.
    7. I can't seem to remove squares from a floorplan, only add.
    8. The fact that you need bricks to be able to build the workshop that gives you bricks (if I remember correctly) seems like a potentially bad deadlock situation to me.
    Other than that, it seems like loads of fun, taking into account its earliest access status. :)
  3. Untrustedlife

    Untrustedlife Member

    Soldiers should PROABBBLY drop the things they are hauling to kill marauding fishmen, dont you think?
  4. Strech

    Strech Member

    It's really promising! Everything looks to work more or less, you did a wonderful job!

    But the framerate my pc achieves feels a little low: with everything turned off or low in the settings i get no more than 20fps at 1080p, i have a laptop with an i7-4700HQ and a nvidia geforce gt 750m...

    Also, some songs in the soundtrack are really not fitting the game imho... :D
  5. nbsp

    nbsp Member

    After having played around for a few hours with a handful of colonies I feel I've got most of the game "figured out", so here is some feedback:
    • There is little to no point in building kitchens at the moment as the colonists will happily eat raw food anyway. Plus, they will likely consume the raw ingredients before your food production orders are finished anyway, leaving you with jobs unable to be finished.
      I assume you will be able to limit stockpiles to a certain type of items and if there ever is a "raw food" stockpile I would like to be able to forbid my colonists from eating directly from it.
    • Building chairs in your houses is a dumb idea in the current version, because if a chair is available colonists will insist that they need to sit down on it in order to eat, wasting a lot of precious time which could have been spent doing something productive. If there are no chair available they will just eat standing up in one of your stockpiles with no apparent negative consequences.
    • Since I figured out I could order logs to be cut into planks on the spot I've had little to no need of a carpenter's workshop. Frees up a work crew, too.
    • I like the work crews system but I have some gripes with it. I know a lot of people hate the labor menu in Dwarf Fortress, but I would personally love to be able to micromanage the work crews a little and be able to limit particular crews to a certain "branch" of jobs (for example, a food production crew should be limited to gathering plants, butchering animals and using the kitchen workshop). At the moment it feels random whether a crew will actually do something related to their workshop or not.
  6. Staghorn

    Staghorn Member

    Really promising. But...

    1) I wasn't getting any sound, but you're working on that, so that's good.
    2) I was getting awful framerate. Optimization would certainly help.
    3) As far as gameplay goes, a way to click and drag to select would be nice for mass deforestation.
  7. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    1: Try restarting the game a few times and you should get sound (hear the lovely music!) we're not sure what causes it yet, this is happening to us too.

    2: What kind of specs are you running? We're always working on optimization and would like to know if your machine is in line with what we expect.

    3: I think this is on the todo list.
  8. zerg_x

    zerg_x Member

    Just hurry up with saves and I'll be fine for the most part.
  9. Hasenfang

    Hasenfang Member

    Not sure if I am doing it right, but it seems no one is actually farming the food. I have crops, lots of cabbage and a Kitchen all set up and ready to go. I tell them to make cabbage stew (I have other items as well, but going with the simplest). No one seems to be pulling up the fresh cabbage for consumption. People are dying from starvation with tons of food on the ground.
  10. Staghorn

    Staghorn Member

    1: Yeah, I got the sound working when I played it today. The music and sound make the game so much better.
    2: Not entirely sure what you mean by specs, but Windows Vista (which isn't recommended, I know), NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260, and Intel Core i7 for processors.
    3: Excellent.

    Anyway, more gripes.

    4) Pausing doesn't pause animation, which looks quite odd and makes telling when you're paused and unpaused take more thought than it needs to.
    5) The hunting labor should be tweaked, in my opinion. Going from "Hello, Mr. Aurochs, how is your day?" to "KILL EVERYTHING! LEAVE NO SURVIVORS!" at the flip of a work group's switch is odd, especially when the resulting massacre causes everyone to freak. (Though that might've been a sneaky fishman that I didn't notice get maimed)
    6) Steam Knights can be spawned, but I can't seem to get in them, which may just be me being stupid.
    7) This is just a personal want, but: fences or something to keep the aurochs and dodos off my lawn/fields/Main Street.
  11. 97% downloaded, sweet elation eminent! Or more likely; bitter disappointment, as the machine I'm currently installing it on will undoubtedly run it like molasses in January..
  12. Brolo

    Brolo Member

    First impressions..

    Playing at 2560x1600 and I could read stuff. Yay for scaling!
    No crashes.
    Why do fishmen taste like chicken?
    Even without reading instructions, most of it made sense
    Except I stated thinking about bite-sized snack pumpkins, which maybe doesn't.
    I had a very large amount of cabbages. Should there be an option to start upwind of players like me?
    Brewery = Vinegar = Saurkraut. Just sayin..
    Only feature request so far is a repeat option on craft tasks.

    Now to dive back in..

    Dead people can be promoted.

    I've worked for companies like that!
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2014
  13. Stoff

    Stoff Member

    Maybe I am missing something but I want to be able to setup a few groups of soldiers to guard specific areas. The soldier command seem to make all the soldiers go at once. Can we group the soldiers ala C&C?
  14. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Not at this point.
  15. Vordrak

    Vordrak Member

    Pretty fun for 'Earliest Access'. No major bugs. Most obvious issues -

    GPU and CPU getting Pretty Hot, suggests some Optimisation of the Cogs needed.

    Obviously the UI is in development, most obvious and irksome thing not yet developed is being unable to delete buildings or plots. Unable to cancel jobs and it is not immediately obvious how to add or remove modules and furniture in buildings after construction.

    Good though - look forward to seeing it with all the content added.
  16. Anoran

    Anoran Member

    About a thousand cabbages in and my game has slowed to a virtual standstill. Also, there's a floating pot of cabbage on that black spot next to the kitchen. The game might need some optimization to prevent overloading from having an excessive number of items on the map.
    2014-07-20_00002.jpg 2014-07-20_00003.jpg
  17. Micah J Best

    Micah J Best Member

    Does the animation start hitching -- or is do the characters keep walking in place?
  18. Anoran

    Anoran Member

    Characters are still animated, as in with this. Also just noticed that in the main menu my computer makes that "I'm working too hard." kind of whine that only Minecraft typically does to me. Odd.
  19. Micah J Best

    Micah J Best Member

    This is the same game as the replay you posted in the other thread?
  20. Anoran

    Anoran Member

    Yep. I just felt like showing screenies of a ridiculous number of cabbages.