how to request supplies from colonial ministry

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Rankenstein, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Rankenstein

    Rankenstein Member

    like it says om the tin. i get the message that I can on my log but don't know what to press. What key do I press to request these supplies?
  2. Darkmere

    Darkmere Member

    It's a clickable notification on the right side of the screen, above the message log. If you don't get to it in time, it disappears and you can no longer request materials.

    Making the button more noticeable is on the To Do List, you aren't the only one who regularly misses them.
  3. Rankenstein

    Rankenstein Member

    it deserves a fanfare and the release of a hundred white doves
    Anoran, Daynab and Turbo164 like this.
  4. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    And it's ticket code is OC-1570, for the record.