Screenshots of your towns?

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Ixath, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Ixath

    Ixath Member

    Can a few of you throw up some screenshots of your town in whatever stage it's in currently?

    Just curious.
  2. Enrymion

    Enrymion Member

    I decided to just focus on smelting ores and farming for a while but when I decided to start making guns and stuff I wasn't very careful with the build order and ran out of bricks and plates forcing me start accepting supplies :-(
    Daynab and Ixath like this.
  3. masuro

    masuro Member

    My little colony so far shot012.jpg
  4. Ghin

    Ghin Member

    lol masuro's town looks like a prison labor death camp.
  5. masuro

    masuro Member

    haha well, i decided to make it a bit more secure after fishmen trapped my folks and killed 4 (2 overseers) in an early attempt, in fact i was planning to close all entries, but had to quit before completing it... also deathcamp is quite right because starving took 4 people while building the place;)

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    Last edited: Jul 25, 2014
  6. Ixath

    Ixath Member

    Thanks for the responses everyone.

    Here is my first town. Kinda ran out of things to do a while ago so I'm just AFKing while I tell my people to harvest a ton of junk. Not sure what I'm going to do, but will start playing some more once the GF goes to bed. I had no idea what I was doing so I just threw crap down however looked good. My next town will have some sort of balance to it.

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  7. masuro

    masuro Member

    Finished my first phalanstery, all hail Freedom Fort! shot016.jpg :D
    EggsAckly likes this.
  8. Ixath

    Ixath Member

    Very nice.

    I think builds like this are going to be pretty common, space allowing. It seems like the safest way to get things done. I'm amazed you found an area that large that was a perfect square.
  9. masuro

    masuro Member

    heh it was difficult to find enough space, i had to re-start 3 times... it could be considered sot of cheating, but i like to think first 2 colonies died either of furious dodo attacks or wild aurochs stampedes
  10. Meat&Bones

    Meat&Bones Member

    I love this idea! I've been building colonies centered around large scale supply depots, with rows of farms, houses, workshops radiating out in arms. This not only allows everyone to get to everything a little faster, but also has the advantage of looking nice! (And yeah, speaking of labor camps, deciding how many bunks to cram into a bare house makes me a feel a bit odd..)
  11. Ixath

    Ixath Member

    Bunks?! There are perfectly good floors those peons could be using!
  12. I really liked the Freedom Fort, pretty awesome town!
  13. masuro

    masuro Member

    Thanks! :) also freedom fort is my first chair-free colony!! (chairs are decadent furniture, instruments of the devil that attract all population arround)
  14. Akuma

    Akuma Member

    Heresy. Chairs are the one true unifier, bringing a colony together in a dark embrace.

    Really good looking Forts. I really like the stockpile placement in some of these, makes me realize all I do is stick a big one on the side and call it a day. Mostly I think it's out of fear for the dreaded locus swarms (Or bugs as some call them).
  15. Meat&Bones

    Meat&Bones Member

    This is far and away my most successful settlement yet. It's been running smoothly since start, up to 47 colonists so far. Only one death by fishperson, virtually no cult activity, most everybody seems happy. Have one of very building except upper class housing, producing virtually every resource.

    At start, I planted 4 cabbage, 4 pumpkin, 2 wheat. That has remained unchanged throughout the game, and has fed and provided excess for the colony as it has grown. In late stage I added to poppy fields.

    Built one enormous depressing indoctrination center where everyone stares at the same wall. They seem to love it, it is their favorite building by far.

    Basically designated one full team as only kitchen staff, built a kitchen with a stove for each, and queued as many jobs as I had resources. I stop back in every hour or so to update it. Been doing same with wood, beer, etc. Really enjoying the ant farm dynamic of it.

    Fish person attacks have been mercifully low, and scouting around I figured out why. They're all just stood at the southern end of the beach, staring into space and running their hands over their heads. I like to think their dreaming of the long, thick, human hair they once enjoyed.
  16. Ixath

    Ixath Member

    Maybe I'm stupid and haven't tried enough (I haven't tried at all) but how are you guys getting buildings to be not perfectly square? Meat, like in your last screenshot you have the wall that acts as a corner. After I draw my initial box can I just shift-draw another box for the layout or something?

    I'm trying to hold off playing until the next patch but maybe I will have to try once I get home.
  17. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Okay, the indoctrination center make me laugh, loudly and obnoxiously, for about two minutes.

    Ixath: just drag another box that overlaps with your first box - building is additive.
    Ixath likes this.
  18. masuro

    masuro Member

    I love the indoctrination center! yes I must rethink my chair banning:D
  19. Akuma

    Akuma Member

    Omg the indoctrination center is amazing.

    Ixath- Basically yes, but you shouldn't need to press shift or anything. You just draw again, making a smaller box to serve as an extended corner etc.
  20. Krentz

    Krentz Member

    Is that just a graphical glitch or does your kitchen have no floors/walls?

    And agreed, the indoctrination center is hilarious!