As a manager serving the Empire it is your duty to prove yourself worthy. Over and over again. The mighty cogs never stand still, yet they never move forward. Be a cog, prove yourself worthy. Start again. Long live the Empire. Hail the always turning cogs. (Everything else just like Darkmere already wrote ;-) )
Update: Nicholas and I are locked in the office today continuing this struggle. Saving is pretty much code complete and works! Though the bad news: *loading* requires some eye-twisting debugging to stop it from imploding and taking out half of the known world. Now that I think about it, nobody has actually mentioned that they wanted to load games -- we've only had numerous requests for saving games, but I'm going the extra mile.
The hope is it'll come in the next patch, which is Wednesday. But it'll arrive when it's done sort of thing. Edit: Omg. That had me in stitches.
You aren't getting out of it that easily. I'm already two steps ahead of you! Make non-deterministic loads a feature. Those from beyond continue meddling in your colony in the non-time between save and load.
First time I've actually laughed out loud since becoming unemployed last Feb. Thanks for the good laugh.
Although it is disappointing it is still not done, it is appreciated that the guys were in the office on a Sunday, working on it.
Some of us are testing (and breaking) it as we speak! You can too, actually. More crash data will help identify problems faster.
Ok. Been testing. On the upside UI improved and building renovation in. On the downside I saved my games but when I came back to load them, the list of games to load was empty. Great game though. Will come back to it on the next stable build. Looking forward to all that extra content.
Vordrak, can you send us the ZIPs that the game produced, please? I'd like to know why the game thinks it's not valid.
Emailed it to you. However I am going to take a wild stab and say that the zip file is corrupt. It allows listing its contents but attempting to extract them causes WINRAR to complain it is invalid.
Yes. I saved then quit immediately. It also crashed on quit, which suggest I either quit before it finished saving or it crashed as a result of the save.
Ok. Assuming that this was a premature exit issue (we have already dealt with many crashes) -- this is now covered by OC-1828. Thank you, as always, for helping us make this game better.