I have uncovered a horrifying, terrible secret. Children and those of weak constitution should leave the room before I continue. This is a Serious Matter that I bring here today. I came upon it while reading of the monstrous idea that you can *gasp* build a Carpentry Workshop before constructing homes and farms. That made me think about the buildings themselves. What buildings do I actually need for people to survive? The answer, dear reader, is none. Behold my creation in all its terrible splendor. I have crafted a village that uses Absolutely Zero Buildings. After all, why should you, my noble friends, be confined to cramped, indoor spaces? Why should you not stand open to the vastness of the universe? My townsfolk are well suited to The Out-of-Doors Life, as our ancestors once were. They do not cower in the dark in poorly crafted hovels. They roam freely on the open prairie. Our absolute freedom allows us to concentrate our time on what is truly important: Cabbage. Glorious cabbage, the essence of existence.
The next step is clearly appeal to the life giver Agaganoth, that he may slough our fetid skins, so that we might let slip the needless hunger for cabbage and sup upon the glorious radiance of his eye forever more with our very bodies, as the plants do!
I was really hoping the answer was going to be "..make cabbage-ade" but you know 1400+ cabbages is pretty good too lol
In Gnomoria you get Golems spawning from unstocked dirt and rocks. I don't know how this would relate to the colonies at all though. Just bringing it up. I mean, animated cabbage golems? That's absurd. Who'd even think such foolish thoughts but a mad man, I ask you.
Some more fun screenshots for the cabbage enthusiasts: This one is what happened when I decided to not even build stockpiles: I am totally going to draw some cabbage golems/monsters at work today lol
Climate Change due to Global Salading has led to a critical rise in greenhouses across Her Majesty's Empire. Entire regions have become entrenched in sprawling, glass adorned structures, and entire expeditions have been lost, never to be seen again within the grotesque warrens of green fronds and fierce mustards. The incalcuable planes of glass wall and roofing have intensified the mighty Sun's rays into argent beams, resulting in scorching hot temperatures, weather anomalies, and frequent outbreaks of tempestuous saladfires. One worker describes such a scene: "Well, it was a hot day, but they all are wot? An' I sees this whole field o'cabbage smokin' I does, an' I says to Ellsworth I says wot kinna' salad do you reckon produces smoke li'a chimney. An' he says to me he says 'Ahhhhhghhralgha I'm on fireeeee put it out put it out put it ouuuuuuuuuutahghaglllrblrarghhhhnnggg' he does, an' I says 'Oh.'
You guys are missing the obvious monster here, creepy cabbage babies =D (youngins Google cabbage patch dolls lol)
Hmm, you could do something discworldesque and have the cabbage become sentient. People can become attached/obsessed with the cabbage and claim it as pets. It would still edible but will rattle whoever cooks/eats it a little bit.
*wheeeeeze* Damn.... you.... alll Laughing....and....asthma....does....not....mix Damn............you...........all
Only realistic-ish things I can think of are either some diseases due to lack of proper vitamins leading to mass dying and decrease efficiency, or some veggies making you fart thus ruining the relationships and leading to bloodshed. Seriously think about that for a moment: tantrum spirals and mass murder due to cabbage farts! Less realistic would be, well, having various plants be vulnerable to various parasites and other natural occurrences. Maybe even of paranormal kind, like, you know, voodoo spirits possessing your cabbages to make them poisonous, or just swams of hungry insects wrecking up the fields.
Another possibility (although the new "different veggies need tended at different intervals" already adds some variety) would be giving colonists a favorite food that gives extra happiness and/or nutrition (for the Upper Class, higher chance of Caviar etc), or have each colonist track a "most recent food" variable, with diminished nutrition if you eat the same thing two meals in a row. Totally going to try a Cabbocalypse when I get the game, though
Hmm, personally I would prefer the first case, since knowing how logistics work in games like this one, second would be too much of a gamble with person going hungry but still picking up the same food even while others are present. Of course, a minor issue when there are multiple, like 5 or 7 types of food, but rather problematic when there are just two or three... then again, if you have such a small variety of foods anyways, that's little difference to having just one, so good thinking with the diminishing satisfaction thing!