Intel HD Graphics 4000 - When will the game be supported?

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Danilo Egidius, Aug 14, 2014.

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  1. Hail thee, noble clockworkers.

    I have Intel HD Graphics 4000 on my laptop, and I still can't play the game,

    When will this processor be supported by the game?

    Is there any way to bypass this issue? I want to play this game so badly (waiting since december for it).
  2. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    They addressed the Intel HD Graphics 4000 issue in the most recent (Aug. 13) blog post linked here:

    Unfortunately, support is iffy for a number of reasons. If you have the most recent drivers you can install and it's still not working, it seems you may be up Shite Creek©, as they say on the Continent.
  3. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    Hi Danilo - you should email us. We tried to catch everyone who had this issue through our blog, twitter and a forum post (which is here). We decided to drop official support for it.

    It was either this, or we limped through trying to get everyone but some people would inevitably fall through the cracks. That's just not good enough, and we should have realized it sooner. Email us at and we'll sort out what we can for you.
  4. Tleno

    Tleno Member

    Ugh... are there any community attempts to patch up this thing so far, or any way to resolve at least portion of potential issues on your own? I mean, I won't have any alternatives for my laptop for a long, long time, yet I'm really itching to play this game whatever it takes, so whatever options there are I'm ready to try them!
  5. Citizen, I can't risk buying a game that is not supported by Gaslamp Games. How could I buy it and hope for a patch fix?

    As Alephred quoted, you won't fix this OpenGL issues.

    You tell that the OpenGL is not well written, but there's plenty of games running into those circunstances.

    As a final question: will you offer support for the Intel HD 4000 Graphics or not?
  6. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    We may one day be able to support it but for the foreseeable future, no.

    We would offer you a refund, but you've only pirated the game.
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