Experimental branch?

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by DrSleepless, Aug 17, 2014.

  1. DrSleepless

    DrSleepless Member

    Just curious what the status is as it seems things didn't pan out like you guys planned on Friday.
  2. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Finishing UI stuff now, and testing it a bit more before I fire it out the door. We also, I think, got the Unicode fixes in for foreign computers as well. So not long.
  3. DrSleepless

    DrSleepless Member

    Excellent news!
  4. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    I think we're in business. There are a few bits of funny business - a few missing icons, and for some reason fishmen refuse to stay dead - but none of this is a big deal for a first version. Owing to the vague necessity of sleep, and the fact that it's 1:30 over here, I'll put this up once I get into the office early tomorrow morning. I just don't want to throw this on a server and then wake up to explosions and a pile of trouble. :)

    Again, my apologies that this is taking forever.
  5. DrSleepless

    DrSleepless Member

    Sounds like a bonus feature! Thanks for working hard to make it happen.
  6. LadyAth

    LadyAth Member

    Nicholas: you and your team are doing awesome work. Thanks for being the kind of developers other gaming companies should aspire to be! Release when you're ready - we'll still be here :)