Not sure if this is the right place, really considering buying this game, but a friend of mine just bought it and he gets nothing but a black screen, after some research we determined that it was due to open GL. Could anyone Tell me if the amd radeon hd 9600 will have any issues as Ive noticed int he bugs section that at least one HD Card is having issues. Thanks in advance.
Long story short, Intel HD 3000 and 4000 integrated graphic cards, specifically, aren't supported, due in large part to spotty handling of OpenGL. There is also a possibility that your Radeon 9600 card may not support OpenGL 3.2 which is listed as a minimum requirement. There are utilities that you can use to determine what version your card is capable of supporting, but off the top of my head, I'd advise you not to count on it, since I can only see references to OpenGL 2.0.
Thanks good Sir, that's the damnable roadblock I was running into when I was doing my research, I hate the idea of throwing good money away on a game that just won't work. Which is a shame as I have a top hat and monocle that I have for just such a game as clockwork empires but I guess Queen and country will just have to wait, till I either get an upgrade to my graphics card or they add my gl to the list of acceptable stuff.
The AMD Radeon HD 9600 came out in 2004, which is literally 10 years ago. I think it's about time you got a new graphics card. You can probably find one that will run any game out for around $160ish US. Start saving up; it'll be worth it. There are a lot of great PC games you'll be able to play with a new card.
the thing is buddy, most of my games run fine on this card, the only game so far i cant run is this one. Its cool, I am saving up for a replacement card, just takes a while.
my only problem is the gameplay that is extremely slow, but i never got this black screen just like salty said, most of the games like Resident evil 6, GTA V, Skyrim, Sims 3 run perfectly well with no lags or slow gameplay but this game is the only one that runs extremely slow and i really wish to play it.
What are your system specs like? Anything that can run Skyrim should have no issue with Clockwork Empires. Is it possible your computer is trying to use your integrated processor instead of your graphics card?
i can run clockwork empires but the gameplay is very slow i do not know why :/ i got a processor intel 3 is it because of that?
Slow-ness may well be the fault of the i3 processor (the minimum specs on the Store Page are listed as i5). That said, the game has a lot of room for optimization, so your performance may improve over time as they get around to doing that stuff.