Gentlemen, I give you Sus Scrofa Salix

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Alephred, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Recently discovered, this wonder of the New World flowers into a large bushel tub of sausages. Royal Botanists have named this magnificent specimen Sus Scrofa Salix, lit. 'Pork Willow'. Cog Save the Queen.

    View attachment 5685

    .. before anyone has a heart attack, this is just what happens when you plant a cabbage patch underneath the shipment of sausages that comes as part of your Landing Party. But oh, perchance to dream.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2014
    Andouce, Tleno and Xyvik like this.
  2. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Too late! I'm dead now.
    Andouce and Xyvik like this.
  3. Mechswordsman

    Mechswordsman Member

    Mother of god...
  4. Akuma

    Akuma Member

    Th-the ministry must be told!
  5. Tleno

    Tleno Member

    ...Finally, the flowers you can gift to both men AND women! Fantastic!
  6. Cyjack

    Cyjack Member

    I just watched the 1978 version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers the other day, and that reminds me of one of the plant pods. Man, wouldn't that be a neat scripted event. Colonists get replaced as they sleep, and one day you look out and see you've got a colony full of emotionless pod people.

    It would probably only improve my colony.
  7. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    I love that idea. The idea of secret replacement and subtle corruption from within feels very appropriate - consider 'The Shadow Over Innsmouth', and 'The Thing'. The pod people hatch, and the first thing they do is hunt down their doubles. If you don't Frontier Justice them in time, they casually take their place with no further comment.
  8. Mechswordsman

    Mechswordsman Member

    Yeees. And the people who get replaced become delicious sausage bearing plants.

    Perhaps they are onto something and not so bad. At least, that is what I would say if I were a cultist, which I am not.
  9. Darekada

    Darekada Member

    Oh, I thought that the cultists were already secretly replacing my totally honest and hardworking colonists by lazy and corrupted versions when I was not looking. And that maybe they were getting turned into those clawbulb thingies...
  10. Mechswordsman

    Mechswordsman Member

    No, those are just your average Joel, lay about colonists. That is what should be expected of them, poor performance and stumbling around, unwittingly sowing evil plants.

    Now, if your colonists were all cultists, it would be the most efficient colony ever, where no one fought one another and only the weakest and most worthless of outsiders are turned into plant-sausages, and the best turned into sacrifices... But supremely efficient. Why am I telling you this? To inform you that cultists are still obviously evil ner-do-wells, definitely not to subtly suggest that you do start forming cults, because that would be wrong and something a cultist would do. And that is what I am. Not one.
  11. Andouce

    Andouce Member

    Amusing to say the least hehe :p
  12. Colin

    Colin Member

    I dont like how random plants pop up in the fields because of the cultist. I just want them to eat good food you know? I wonder what would happen if they produce food and we cook it :confused: