Let's talk about Revision 31

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Sep 16, 2014.

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  1. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    So, it's up - you can see how much work we got done in a month, and the nature of the work, and so on and so forth. This thread just exists to discuss it, basically.

    So, yeah! What do you think?
  2. Xyvik

    Xyvik Member

    I expected a new biome, and I was right. However, I was expecting another big focus to be external enemies other than fishpeople. Making Cultists more interesting, however, is even better and I wonder why I didn't see that coming. Our fun little colonists have to be More Fun before we worry about more external threats; after all, it's the internal threats that can be the most damaging.

    I'm excited to get home and try it out, see what my little Cult peeps will do.
  3. Ghin

    Ghin Member

    I won't get to try it until later tonight. However, I absolutely loved the title graphic.

    Finally I can grow delicious some MAIZE. Lets hope I can survive/avoid crashes long enough to make some bourbon.
  4. Andouce

    Andouce Member

    About to start a fresh game when i get back. Think the fact the focus of the build really was sorting crashes and bug fixing, slowly introducing basic but improved features among other surprises was pretty good.

    At least that clears up a lot and allows the dev team to focus on content and game mechanisms for the coming builds. I am impressed with the speed that both the devs and the game has taken course. Even testing and replaying at least for me is fun as you never know what to expect next. Keep it up I would say ^^
  5. DrSleepless

    DrSleepless Member

    Apparently I can no longer rally troops, so fishman is wreaking havoc while my troops hang out elsewhere...
  6. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Troop rallying has been moved to the Work Party menu.
  7. DrSleepless

    DrSleepless Member

    Well that's rather unintuitive
    Al Bobo and Xyvik like this.
  8. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    It's... well, it's a work in progress. They needed to be per military unit, and there is a general consensus that we don't want to duplicate menus. But we'll see.
  9. DrSleepless

    DrSleepless Member

    Ok. Now I have unpaused the game and all characters are acting as if it is still paused.

    I'll report it in the bug section.
    zerg_x likes this.
  10. Xyvik

    Xyvik Member

    I think that a Global Military Command menu, for such things as emergencies (rallying troops) in its previous place at the bottom left command area, might be a good idea. But make sure the UI says that it's Global, that all military crews will respond to this call. After you get more than one military crew, you might not want to do Global, because you might need one crew to defend against the Fishpeople while another defends against the horrible Maw of Quag'garoth
  11. Akuma

    Akuma Member

    I think that would be a fine compromise. There are instances when you want everyone at a point, like when your attacked by 20 fish people and need to perform some emergency conscription.

    I do like how the fish people have names now. Just to make you feel bad. When you eat them.
  12. Andouce

    Andouce Member

    I agree. To be honest I think the above crossed with having military personnel automatically responding to threats within their visual area etc would suiffice.

    Really depends how in depth this system will go. Either way suggestions are good ;)
  13. Shtong

    Shtong Member

    Is it just me or is it now impossible to renovate/modify buildings ? I can't find any button or anything to do that (I actually noticed this in previous experimental versions)
  14. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    We have removed it because it was crashing. A new building module placer interface will be put in shortly.
  15. Stuthulhu

    Stuthulhu Member

    I just wanted to say I am thrilled with your efforts so far team, thank you. I have gone from a cabbage farming simulator, to a terrible-farmer-cum-cannibal simulator, to a pretty-great-farmer-riddled-with-fish-bullets simulator. To what do we have now, a cultist stabbing simulator? Yes! More please!

    I'm assuming by the time you're done, the highest paid job in the empire will be Emigration Advertisement Pamphlet Writer, and their prose will be as Shakespeare by sheer necessity.

    p.s. Just in case any of that sounds facetious, it's not. Dwarf fortress was one of my favorite games for the sheer intricacy with which I could build a water-pressure powered zombie-kitten-skin goblin-strangler device among other egregious horrors. I love to finally have a new toy to play with as it evolves (And your art is much better).
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
  16. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Since the Jungle Biome was added, I've been playing on it to the exclusion of the Temperate Biome, and I've noticed that there's a fairly steady trickle of solo Fishmen wandering into town (along with the usual occasional invasion force); is that just characteristic of the Jungle Biome? Or was that a change to Fishman behaviour, generally?

    I do like that Coconut Curry has a food value of 850 now (i.e. a recipe that needs two things has more food value than any single-food recipe) - and the food value is just a bit higher than raw coconut + chillie preserves (and there's no recipe that only uses coconut). I also like that Fishmen turn slain colonists into Long Pork, and then proceed to eat them.

    When I was playing r30F, metals of any description were quite scarce, but in my first r31 game, nodes were so plentiful they actually interfered with my ability to construct buildings. Was something tweaked, or just the vagaries of the terrain / resource generation?

  17. Akuma

    Akuma Member

    I think in the changelog it mentioned that in the jungle Fishmen are more aggressive.

    So far I've got a good colony going, with only a slight case of madness. We'll see if I can fix that into full blown lunacy.
    Viion likes this.
  18. ForestryTech

    ForestryTech Member

    A lot of strong work going into this game, a lot of positive changes and a lot of reception to complaints/suggestions. Really enjoying being a part of the evolution of this thing.

    I think the only real things that frustrate me now are the save/load breaking things, so I feel inclined to start a new game every time and play it until I run out of free time or it crashes. This is now measured in hours, so good job on making the game much more stable.

    Great job with the update theme, I had to grin.

    Also really hungry for curry.
    Viion likes this.
  19. I gave the jungle biome another whirl tonight and the game went pretty well, except for being constantly attacked by fishpeople. I started to get some cult activity, but everybody died before anything crazy could happen.

    Also, it seems that you can create coconut curry with chilli peppers and sugarcane is considered a raw resource and not a food item when it comes to stockpiles.
  20. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    By "duplicate menus" do you mean having the rally button where it was in the main UI, but having one rally button per squad?

    I would see that working as each military squad and militia group getting their own button, which when hovered would give the name of the squad/NCO, as well as a count of the soldiers available at that moment (ie alive, not sleeping, etc) and possibly a status (in position, rallying, in battle, etc). Death of an NCO/militia leader, or releasing a militia back to civilian work, would remove their corresponding rally button.

    To me at least, this seems easier for players to find, understand and use. :)

    (This would require that the UI buttons be pluggable and tooltips dynamic.)
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