Let's talk about Revision 31

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Sep 16, 2014.

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  1. Darekada

    Darekada Member

    Good news: Got to day 25 and stopped playing because the game became too slow to play as there was 66 fishpeople attacking me (had 52 colonists). Will try with AZDO next time.

    Bad news: Coconut is more popular than prepared food, and the cooks will only make mild curry. They are not using chili in their recipe.
  2. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Unlike Dredmor, UI buttons *are* pluggable and tooltips are dynamic. :) So, yes, we have one rally button per squad right now, accessible from the Work Parties panel. If you click, you can create two Rally points. I'll get Chris to put in a button to just cancel the squad's existing rally point.
  3. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Saving and loading seems to be working mostly fine, but as before, stockpiles cease to function after loading.
  4. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    I just find it disruptive that everything else is ordered from the main UI buttons or in the main viewport; I'd prefer to see the military commands button pop up "build high gabion", "build low gabion", "rally Her Majesty's 101st Fusilliers (4 ready)", "rally Mrs Bronzesteam's militia (3 ready)"...
  5. Akuma

    Akuma Member

    The only problem with that setup is it could overlap the bottom screen if you got too many forces, and then you have to make it so it can change from one force to another which I'm sure would be annoying to code. The current methods not overtly complex but I do agree a more up front option would be better.
  6. zerg_x

    zerg_x Member

    Had a similar problem, only I didn't pause the game. Everyone just kinda stopped like they where paused. It was strange.
  7. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    The building type selector already creates multiple rows of buttons, I think you'd need more squads than the game will practicably support before extra rows get over filled.
  8. Colin

    Colin Member

    I have sugarcane in my backyard. (I live in South Louisiana) 10/10. Lets rock these fishpeople.
  9. Viion

    Viion Member

    Nice.... and while you are at it why don't you also add a "Rally all squads here" button? Would be great in a "oh poop!" moment :-D
  10. Sneaky

    Sneaky Member

    I'm looking forward to cracking into it tomorrow. I haven't touched CE in a few weeks (I can't focus on a single game for more than a few days straight unless it's Dota 2, the wretched succubus) and the patch notes have got me excited.
  11. Ghin

    Ghin Member

    Well at least someone made a friend...

  12. Akuma

    Akuma Member

    Haha, yes I noticed that too.

    What seems to be happening is you make a friend, and then you get a happy memory of making a friend. But the new friend also gets the same memory, I imagine the intention being they feel good that someone considers them a friend. At the moment the new friend doesn't automatically get the other as a friend, so many of these relationships are one sided.
  13. OddProphet

    OddProphet Member

    Cultists were given a lot of tools to assault your colony in this patch. My first farm was about half Malfeasant Clawbulb, and we all starved to death. I, going forward, would like more tools to police my own people, or to have my people police themselves. That way I wouldn't end up purging whole work crews because I saw one purple hood.
  14. theseeman

    theseeman Member

    Find the claw bulb planter, find other cultists, put them in a squad, assigned them a chop wood job deep in the woods. Send a small combat squad. frontier justice them all. Bury them out there. Repeat as needed.

    Secret Cults are hard to find.
  15. Aunshi

    Aunshi Member

    Yes!!! some kind of Grand Inquisitor!!! Possibly upperclass to give them a use. And there performance based on traits and past experiences/successes.
  16. Viion

    Viion Member

    Ooooh... I like. I can already imagine handing out red hoods, pointing the vic...volunteer towards grandmas cabin in the deep woods and then ordering the infantry to prime and load.

    Although, considering that in my last game about 90% of my overseers were cultists (might have been 92,7% but statistics aren't my strong suit) and sending them all out to die would cripple my burgeoning industry. So... one rule for the hat-maker and another for the baker... that is, until I figure out how to make somebody replace the overseers that accidentally fell down some stairs.
  17. Viion

    Viion Member

    I was wondering. How do I utilise the colonists with specialities? Farmers, metalworkers, foresters etc? I've tried putting them in workgroups but they revert to labourers so I'm assuming I'll have to utilise them with artisans? I've tried adding them to squads with artisan overseer, but there they revert to labourers as well. Is there a specific type of overseer/artisan I'll have to hope shows up before I can utilise the specialists? That would mean they were going a long time being unproductive while I wait. Suggestions?
  18. I've observed a few things:
    Lower classes can receive the trait Common Mingler. I guess that's alright--probably the happiest farmer I've ever had, but it seems unintended! Maybe make Common Mingler become that one about being an obsequious kiss-ass (I forget the name) in Lower Class colonists?
    Also: Weapons say they require Iron Ingots in the workshop menu, but actually consume Iron Pipes! I haven't tested pistols, but it happens for Muskets and Blunderbusseses/whatever the plural of Blunderbuss is.

    I don't know if it's necessarily a bug, but I've noticed that gossip will interrupt gabion construction, possibly because the utility is set so low? Just an observation.

    Everything's great so far! I've managed to get a colony all the way to 50 colonists/nine Prestige or something/thirty days? But the fishpeople invasions have backed up so much on me that every time I reload I get hit by seventy or so fishpeople. Looking forward to getting heavy weapons like Minum guns and land mines and mortars to make that survivable!
    I think I can still manage it if I don't build right on the starting point/beach. We'll see!
  19. theseeman

    theseeman Member

    I am not getting any cult activity beyond whispers and claw bulbs. Has anyone seen an evil shrine yet?
  20. Same here. I want to see how crazy this can get. How can I foster/create ideal situations for cultist activity?
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