Some annoying problems in this latest version related to starvation. I have noticed in a few games (Jungle biome) that it becomes impossible to escape the starvation spiral when it begins. No matter how many colonists are assigned to farming and cooking duties, as soon as a crop is harvested it is consumed raw by a mob of colonists. Some of this has to do with the fact that there isn't an easy source of meat anymore with hunting being extremely difficult. Even if an animal is spotted in the wilds, the only way to hunt and kill it is to send the military or a militia after it since there is no "hunt beast" command and military and explorers are the only units that follow commands. After an hour or so of mild frustration at a starving colony I instituted a "you eat human meat, you die" policy, which ended up being not that effective at all since everyone became an instant cannibal after eating all my raw corn, sugar cane, etc. and still having the munchies. What doesn't help is cooking overseers getting stuck in "no job" modes, trying to cook objects that don't exist, etc. So at this point I'm going to wait for the next update to play again as I can feel my blood pressure rising watching the starvation drama play out.
Yeah, the jungle biome right now is really a roll of the dice. If you have some of those huge patches of fungus around, you can make it. Otherwise, you're on a slow slide into starvation..
In my last game i noticed colonists eating flour , hope it's a bug, for I used to plant wheat to have at least one thing to cook, avoiding the problem of colonist eating all raw and the following starvation
Alas, no, the most recent changes made intermediary foods (wheat flour, sugar loaf, and bucket of molasses) edible. This was intended to give your colonists additional things to eat to balance the hunting changes.
Spoiler: Wheat flour/grain Entity { name = "Bag of Wheat Flour", description="Can be made into bread at a Kitchen or beer at a Distillery.", type = "food", ground_model = "models\\commodities\\bagWheatGrain.upm", hand_model = "models\\commodities\\bagWheatGrain.upm", restorative=90, icon_name="grain_sack", filter="fooddrink", tags = { "raw_food", "grain", "food", "raw_food", "wheat" } } Now I'm not quite sure since I haven't actually tried this myself, but in \Steam\SteamApps\common\Clockwork Empires\scripts\entity there is a file called food.edb. Just open it with notepad or wordpad (or something similar) and you can tweak it. I do BELIEVE (i stress the fact I haven't tested it myself) you can make the flour inedible by removing the raw_food (and possibly the food if raw_food isn't enough.) and/or editing type from food to commodity. There might be something I'm missing since the fsm "consume food" file points to "raw" tag. It's early and I'm tired.... all of the above might very well be totally and utterly false, but it's the best I can do right now hehehe. G'luck
I've wondered why "raw_food" is listed as a tag twice. EDIT: I see you posted about this in the "Typoes" thread. Good one.
Thank you. Wasn't quite sure where to post it but as I guessed it was just a simple error I thought that would be the place and not bugs since I haven't noticed any in game effect by the double tag. I did find this in consume food and that's the only thing I found about eating. That's why I assumed the first raw_food should have been a raw. But considering they actually eat the grain/flour even though it's not tagged as raw there has to be something I'm missing. Probably the food or the raw_food is the "this is edible" tag and the raw is just the "yuck this is crappy tasting" flavour tag. elseif foodTag["raw"] then local memory = EntitiesByType["history"]["Ate something nasty (Epicurean)"] send( "gameHistoryDB", "createHistoryFragment", memory["name"], {character = SELF}, {description = "CAPITALIZED_SUBJECTIVE_PERSONAL_PRONOUN ate a " .. foodName .. " recently. Their delicate senses were offended by its horrible lack of flavour!", priority = "medium", duration = "short", icon="food_plate"}, memory["values"] )