VissVass and other dreamywishfull thinking about the game and the setting and stuff (AKA The Lounge)

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Viion, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Viion

    Viion Member

    Right, after ending up flooding a thread with very, very off-topic remarks I've decide (after gentle nudging of OP) to open this thread for general discussions. So grab your soapbox and start preaching... I'm sure there is a choir here somewhere.
    = Lively Thread.
  2. Viion

    Viion Member

    You are so right. Acronyms is a M.U.S.T. (Mandatory Universal Subject Tag).
  3. Euel Ball

    Euel Ball Member

    So this is where we do the way off-topic stuff, eh?

    Why I want to play Clockwork Empires...

    The scene open as the camera passes over grass covered, gently rolling hills, with occasional clumps of old-growth hardwood trees. The opening notes of Gioachino Rossini's "The call to the dairy cows" plays for about a minute. (Listen here: )

    Sudden needle scratch-- Peter Gabriel's "Steam" ( ) kicks in as a train flashes into view. The train is sleek, almost streamlined, going like a bat out of hell, with the funnel coughing out puffs of white cloud that only a forced-draft steam engine can do.

    The camera follows the train, with lots of techno-porn beauty shots, as the landscape changes to wheat fields, (The grain rippling in the wind.) pastures, orchards, vineyards, and fields of poppies. The train passes quickly over a massive iron and stone bridge set over a narrow but deep river gorge, there's a worm's-eye view of the train from the side, shot just above the foaming water.

    Our point of view is above and behind the engine as it crests a ridge and we look down on the City. It surrounds a small bay, and we see a number of factories with high smokestacks, multi-story granite and marble buildings, extensive harbor facilities with many ships docked, and a large number of warehouses.

    We follow the train as the fields it passes become smaller, with different crops and animals. The barns and farm buildings disappear, the fields become green lawns, the houses cluster together, and we sometimes see schools, churches, stores, and businesses, all with flagpoles proudly flying the Union Cog.

    The train raises on an elevated track, two stories above the broad boulevards. The architecture smoothly changes yet again, from wooden houses to multi-story brick buildings to even taller stone spires. We flash past a huge cathedral with smoking chimneys, the Holy Cog featured large on its stained-glass windows.

    On the highest hill of the city, we see a large grey granite structure, disk shaped, with a central dome and windowed wings radiating from the disk. From above, it must look like an immense gear. The iron letters bolted above the entrance proclaim "Government House."

    The train pulls into the station. Amidst the usual trappings, we see a large sign...

    "Welcome to Brassgear City, Tobias Township. Tobias Simon Brassgear KCC, Imperial Governor."

    Now, that's why I want to play Clockwork Empires!
  4. Viion

    Viion Member

    That's what I was hoping :)

    GREAT story. For that's what I'll call what you posted. It's beyond just a description and turned into a story... WITH a soundtrack :-D

    I must admit I was chuckling while I read and heard the music. Especially with the shift in music and scenery.
    And I left chuckling behind and entered the stage of laughter when I considered this idylic eden of steam and cogs and wondered what were lurking in the alleys and the dank basement of "Goverment house" that probably has a secret entrence to the ancient crypts beneath it. Yeah, add a slight touch of mania to the laughter and you imagine it correctly.

    Great stuff :-D

    I can see why. Good one!
    Euel Ball likes this.
  5. Viion

    Viion Member

    Ooooh... I just realized something. The second the game hits v1.0 and is released I'm going to have to sit down with a case of beer and do an all nighter after first watching the old movie "Zulu" from 1964. That should get me in the mood for some imperial adventure :-D

    Euel Ball likes this.
  6. Viion

    Viion Member

    Hmmm... this is just a test post to see the time stamp on the post so I can know what the difference is between local time and "server time". Bip bip bop bop 'n all that.....
  7. The_Fool76

    The_Fool76 Member

    It should all be in your local time based on the time zone you have selected in your preferences. (Mouse over your user name in the upper right and click preferences.)
  8. Euel Ball

    Euel Ball Member

    You and me both! The "Men of Harlech" scene always gives me chills. Two warrior tribes, now soldiers, face one another in the field of battle, acknowledge each other's honor and humanity, and -then- try to kill each other.

    BTW, this is why I dressed my soldier like that, including a pith helmet...
  9. Viion

    Viion Member

    Yeah, I saw that after actually doing the posting. I posted at 21:21 and quickly saw that the time stamp was correct. But at times the time stamps on the alerts seem.... strange. Not quite sure hot to explain it, but there has been times I've been sure the post was posted yesterday and it was still listed as today etc. Sound silly when I try to put it into writing. Probably just too much insanity because of the ætheric influence of fishpeople. :-D

    Yeah, I'm sure there is lots of historical inaccuracies and probably a lot of glossed over racism (I wouldn't know since I haven't seen the movie for many a year...) but still.... gives me chills as well :-D

    Probably revealing way too much of myself here hehe but I do remember there were tons of "giving me chills" moments in that movie and also in Gladiator, Rome (HBO series), Saving Privat Ryan, Blade (the first movie), Matrix (again the first), Band of Brothers.... hmmm... yeah, I kinda do see a pattern here. I need to find a fluffy my little pony episode that gives me the chills to counterbalance the blood galore that I obviously wallow in ;-)
  10. Viion

    Viion Member

    I'm sorry to hear about the ongoing incidents in Ottawa. Not sure what to say except I hope civilians and service personnel will get through it safe and unharmed.