Revision 31C now up in Experimental branch

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Daniel, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    Revision 31C has now been pushed to the *experimental* branch on Steam for those brave souls who would like to try it.

    This is a big one.

    A Note
    The current module placement UI is the tip of an iceberg of a large system overhaul for building buildings, placing modules, and revamping the economy in general. There's a lot of infrastructure going in here and the improvements are going to take a while to show themselves, but trust us, it'll be worth it.

    The current UI scheme is a placeholder and will be improved. Remember: The experimental branch is for Science and sometimes Science can be a bit rough around the edges, but that's How We Learn.

    (Also: the loading bay / roll-up doors are also In The Shop For Repairs.)

    Vaguely Organized Changelog:
    Save Games

    FIXED: Save games now properly saves rally points (and other beacons)
    FIXED: Save games now properly saves filters
    FIXED: Save games now properly saves fog of war
    FIXED: Save games now properly restores tooltips
    Added a message to confirm that a save game is in progress/complete
    Command icons now not doubled on new game/load game
    Extra windows properly dismissed on game start/load
    (And other, deeper, eldritch issues should be fixed; let us know if you have any problems.)

    hunting requires bullets; hunters will acquire & use bullets; civilians will drop bullets when not hunting
    bullet amount now displayed in civilian text paragraph
    cleaned up glitches on pickup and drop ammo animations
    FIXED food memories weren't working correctly
    balance: made alarm range almost exactly flee range (so you don't get people running from fishpeople without raising alarm)
    balance: a first friend is easy to make, every subsequent friends requires double the positive interactions for friendship
    items held by characters are dropped when they die
    FIXED carried bodies are dropped when people are killed
    characters create alarm waypoint via "Raise Alarm" job when a "hostile_entity" is nearby. There's only ever one alarm beacon per hostile_entity ever.


    added an ammunition system

    • ammo crates hold 100 bullets, remaining bullets displayed in tooltip
    • characters can hold up to 20 bullets, bullets held displayed in info panel
    • bullets are needed to fire guns
    • soldiers without bullets are more likely to flee
    • civilians will not automatically collect bullets
    • added alerts for not having bullets
    FIXED: corpses can no longer set off landmines
    "assemble gabion" job will choose closest logs
    some soldier jobs now better modified by health/bullets/morale/civilization proximity
    soldiers slightly more into pulling bullets from bullet crates that have already been opened
    bullets now drop off dead people if said people have any bullets
    FIXED: crate of ammunition was tagged as "pistol" for some reason
    landmines now trigger properly on hostile entities
    landmines will detonate if enemy is in adjacent tiles
    balance: shrapnel does very little damage to objects
    added 3 landmines and 3 crates of ammo to gamestart
    created "respond to alarm" job that summons soldiers toward "alarm waypoint"
    added tooltip to gabion
    health is now a factor in whether soldiers choose to fight or flee
    made soldiers less likely to attack things on their own (to avoid the 'one guy hunting down fishpeople across the whole map' thing)
    made soldiers weighted more to fighting near civilization (see above)
    added melee attack jobs for soldiers
    overhauled counterattacking (including for civilians)
    overhauled weighting of most combat jobs (flee vs. shoot vs. melee vs. counterattack)
    added Jezail rifle
    made starting military supplies random


    Window hole punching now works in buildings
    added ability to flatten terrain & flatten terrain job
    added Iron Charcoal Kiln / Iron Ceramics Kiln
    added Brick Charcoal Kiln / Brick Ceramics Kiln
    added Stone Smelting Crucible
    added Stone Charcoal Kiln / Stone Ceramics Kiln
    added gibs to gabions
    added pfx and sfx for destroying crops, gabions
    balance: change some crop growth times
    removed extra "raw_food" tag on wheat flour
    changed industrial_kiln to charcoal_kiln
    FIXED: spoiled crops tooltip now says crops are spoiled
    added "Make Landmine" job to arsenal
    various foliage textures cleaned up
    added low-tech brewing vat (w/ unique animations)
    gunpowder production moved to Arsenal from Chemist


    cultists have to go to a shrine, pray, and summon a dagger before performing murder (it's now a two stage process)
    cultists will now try to use a dagger to murder (rather than an axe)
    balance: cultist murder requires more murder points
    balance: eldritch transformation will drain cult power
    shrines now for real actually get rotated randomly! (seriously!)


    FIXED animals no longer double-inherit ai_damage (now effectively have 2x hitpoints from before)
    certain herd herbivores will rampage if attacked (aurochs, giant beetle)
    large animals will slowly regen health
    player can give orders to hunt particular animals & this will display icon
    FIXED: butchering animals and fishpeople can be ordered by click & drag
    added rampage and herd rampage ability to certain herd animals (aurochs, giant beetle)
    herbivores will graze again
    adjusted herbivore wandering


    FIXED: butchering fishpeople at all
    fishpeople attack event reports raider # in log
    balance: a fishperson will only attack walls a limited number of times (so they breach walls rather than get stuck doing demolition duty)
    balance: added randomness to fishpeople choosing to attack objects so they're less singleminded about property destruction
    balance: slightly lowered fishperson health
    made landmine explosions quite scary to fishpeople in a large radius


    added landmines to weapon supply drop
    size of supply drops now based on prestige
    immigration event gives more feedback via text log


    foragesource visuals now more consistent


    tutorial now pauses the game when tutorial messages appear
    added more unique module icons
    added some new icons (landmine, special_category, airdrop crate, negative prestige, sulphur lump)

    Un-disabled main menu buttons on returning to main menu
  2. zetjester

    zetjester Member

    great stuff trying it now :D
  3. I just started a quick game and got really confused when my soldiers weren't attacking fishpeople. It looks like it requires them to have hunting enabled first. Also, I couldn't find the loading bay doors in the new module selection screen. It looks a lot more confusing at first, but maybe I'm just used to the old way of creating buildings.
  4. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    1. Wait, so did turning on hunting made them attack fishpeople? I think I'm going to need to look over this code again; this doesn't sound right! Please keep the feedback on combat combing, it's getting totally rebalanced.
    2. New module selection screen is, as noted above, placeholder UI. It will get redone.
    3. Loading bay door, as noted above, has been temporarily removed as it needs to be re-animated (heh).
    KillerKidClever likes this.
  5. Stuthulhu

    Stuthulhu Member

    I just tried a game where I saved at the start and sent soldiers to a fishpeople heavy area with both hunting on and hunting off. I didn't notice any particular difference in their preference in firing upon fish people. Two soldiers did, one did not, and one of those who did was rather keen to flee in either case when engaged. I did notice one of the soldiers preferentially firing upon fauna even when being engaged by fishpeople, which seems like somewhat poor combat training. Thus far I haven't seen anything which suggests an obvious difference in fishman combat via hunting jobs enabled however.
  6. Samut

    Samut Member

    Wow! Lots of changes. More than I have energy to go through ATM.

    No more automatic counterattack in melee? That makes Fishpeople a lot more powerful. Lost several soldiers who just stood there while being hacked to bits.

    Not sure how the new alarm system works, but it's intriguing.

    Going out of town for the weekend, so I mostly just wanted to say how encouraging it is to see a new rev out from Gaslamp. Have fun and I'll try to have some useful comments come next week.
  7. This might have been what I was seeing. It seemed like enabling the hunting job for my soldiers made them attack the fishpeople, though. Maybe it was a coincidence.
  8. Ashe

    Ashe Member

    Soldiers did not attack fishpeople...everyone died...turned hunting on and off etc everyone died of punctures and other such horrific injuries.
  9. magic_rat

    magic_rat Member

    Having trouble getting jobs done and soilders seem more inept. In one instance I watched a single fishman gun down my squad of 3 as two of them ran around him in a circle responding to an alarm and the third stood and watched. In another game my townsfolk decided very quickly that they had no intention of building there bunk house, or clearing terrain, or doing any work at all... Like the changes though and the direction the game is headed.
  10. Verloc

    Verloc Member

    [Img-Professor Farnsworth] Good news everyone! The game is now stable enough that it won't crash before all your colonists die horribly at the hands/tentacles/squamous pseudopods of the unknown horrors of the new world! (Crashes much less frequent on 31C on my GTX635M based laptop, untested on Radeon based desktop but both had similar mean time between crashes)

    A few other issues I've seen with a few hours on 31C though:
    1. Finished jobs not properly clearing from job queue
    2. Soldiers definitely seem more reluctant to engage fishmen. The problem seemed to worsen after a few days on the colony. I had ammo crates on the ground, maybe soldiers not replenishing their ammo supplies and going into coward mode?
    3. Had an issue with stockpiles where colonists would pick up a commodity, then walk aimlessly in a single square with a 'drop item' job active repeatedly.
    4. Placed landmines would cause console error message spam and require alt+tab and killing CE process.
    5. Was able to place modules outside the bounds of buildings on occasion. Not sure what I did to cause it but will try to reproduce.
    Edit: 6. This update has robbed Her Majesty's soldiers of some much needed backbone! Many a soldier has died a cowardly death with a coral club embedded in his spine while he flees a single fishman that would have been handily defeated in 31B.

    Tings wot I liked about dis update so far:
    1. Maybe confirmation bias, but fishmen seemed to fuck with the colony less until it was well established. Early game 'set up the bare bones basics of the colony' section of gameplay seemed to have way less 'fishman wanders by, colonists scatter like quail' annoyances.
    2. Module placement UI still leaves a lot to be desired but is SOOO much less cumbersome than the 31B build system.
    3. Conan, what is best in life? Crush your enemies, see dem driven before you, and a reasonably stable Clockwork Empires. This build seems much less crash prone.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2014
  11. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Some first impressions, after about an hour with [r31C], no AZDO temperate biome:
    • flatten terrain seems to be working properly
    • butchering seems to be working properly, it has its own flag and everything
    • I haven't tried burying anyone yet, but I made a bunch of coffins
    • coffins stack in the stockpile in an unpleasing manner, lots of clipping, probably because they're so big
    • module construction appears to have been changed back to one job per module, rather than being lumped into building construction now?
    • it is apparently possible to build any module in any building, but only appropriate modules in appropriate buildings are actually used?
    • as an exception, cots built in my Carpentry Workshop and Kitchen both operate as intended
    • I assume movable modules are intended so modules can be, appropriately, more modular
    • there does not appear to be a way to delete a constructed module, however
    • it's possible to move any completed module (including doors) from any building to any other building, instantly
    • moving a door after it has been constructed leaves a door-shaped hole
    • the door's new location and the hole where it used to be both malfunction; neither functions as a door, and the new door doesn't get a hole in the wall
  12. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    We'll have a look at the military. Thanks for your feedback folks, this makes sorting out these bugs sooooo much easier :)
  13. Pulstar

    Pulstar Member

    Not only do soldiers seem to be rather craven, my farming militia rather till soil while being shot at by fishpeople than run or fight back.

    While dumping cowards into far off lands where fishpeople will devour them, seems like a good way to build-up the average national bravery of the empire, I do believe that colonial development and prestige may suffer.

    Aurochs rampaging and turning hunters into the hunted is much appreciated.
    Viion likes this.
  14. Akuma

    Akuma Member

    Truly, vast amounts of cowardly unfit soldiers have been sent into the grinder that is the colony's. One day perhaps we will weed them out until only the stoutest of servicemen remain.
    Viion and zetjester like this.
  15. zetjester

    zetjester Member

    My colony desended into one big abattoir, military seemed very reluctant to engage the tuna onslaught! 2 soldiers didnt even pick up their muskets prefering to hang around in the kitchen while labourers were hacked to bits. Some of the farming workgroup didn't seem to want to make a run for it? It was carnage lol
  16. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Alright! I obsessively adjusted all the combat jobs last night; it feels better. Problem still in "Respond to Alarm" which doesn't seem to be getting interrupted properly. Will sort this out with the other guys next week.
    (Also fixed the landmine scriptError, I think.)

    These'll be in whatever is next.

    (Side-note: Coffins aren't hooked up to burial; will remove 'em til we overhaul the burial process.)
    zetjester likes this.
  17. maurizio

    maurizio Member

    come si fa per mettere la patch 31C?Urgente
  18. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire


    I used through Google Translate, I hope it still makes sense. ;)
    Patch 31C is experimental. You must choose to enable the experimental patch.

    1. Locate "Clockwork Empires" in your Games Library.
    2. Right-click on "Clockwork Empires", and select "Properties".
    3. Select the tab named "Beta".
    4. Enable "Experimental" in the menu. No code is necessary.
    5. When your game updates, the name will change to "Clockwork Empires [Experimental]."

    You can change it back by using the same menu. The Experimental branch is updated more frequently, but it is less reliable.


    Ho usato tramite Google Translate, spero che abbia ancora senso. ;)
    Patch 31C è sperimentale. Dovete scegliere di abilitare le patch sperimentali.

    1. Individuare "Clockwork Empires" nella vostra libreria di giochi.
    2. Fare clic destro su "Clockwork Empires", e selezionare "Proprietà".
    3. Selezionare la scheda denominata "Beta".
    4. Attiva "sperimentale" nel menu. Nessun codice è necessario.
    5. Quando i vostri aggiornamenti del gioco, il nome cambia in "Clockwork Empires [sperimentale]."

    È possibile cambiare di nuovo utilizzando lo stesso menu. Il ramo Sperimentale viene aggiornato più frequentemente, ma è meno affidabile.
  19. Just had a look at 31C with the tropical biome and here is a few notes. As already stated elsewhere soldiers are not attacking the slimy ones much and if they do it's a random shot before running off. If they are carrying something they are just ignoring anything else going on around them. Soldiers are hunting very well though. Game is crashing a lot more quickly but not from specific events. It might to be connected to my graphic card wanting to take off from the overload - no other game I have puts it under so much strain!

    Workbench for kitchen should be renamed as such as a new player would have no idea which bench should go in the kitchen ( other benches are named for workshop used in).

    Stockpile placement is duplicated under two different buttons ( special and zones)

    BTW Opium is a temperate and sub tropical plant - it is unlikely that it would grow well in a tropical climate so maybe it should be replaced with coca leaf for medicinal uses.

    I could only play for a few game days before everyone was dead or the game crashed. In 31B I could play for game weeks before a crash.

    Landmines cause script error and dialog box will not close. I have a fair bit of time this week so will try and see what else I can spot if 31D is close.
    zetjester likes this.
  20. wargarurumon

    wargarurumon Member

    for some reason the clear terrain job is not being executed