Just curious: how much of this is still the plan? Specifically, I thought the Factory/Workshop/Artisan/Standalone Machine distinction was really cool and interesting, and I'm wondering if that's still planned or whether the current 'flat' model (i.e. one type of building per manufacturing type) is final. Also curious whether there are plans to implement the the 'brick and brass' aesthetic- not that the game isn't lovely now! I know the concept art was early and before you added interiors, so I'm not expecting that precise look, but still hoping for big brick factories covered in extruders and buzzsaws and crucibles. Basically, what I'm really getting at is attempting to figure out how much the final vision for what a fully developed colony will look/feel/play like has changed since the early devlogs. None of this is a complaint or anything like that, just trying to figure out how representative the current alpha is (obviously I understand that there's a ton of content missing and work to be done). I checked the progress tracker but it didn't really speak to those issues.
To give my non-answer: factories are cool, but @Nicholas is the one to ask about the procedural buildings.
More procedural building features are on an infinite list of things to work on, as time permits and fires are on fire. As David said in another thread, there is a game, and then there is polish on the core of the game. Much of the procedural building code can be configured to do neat things that we're currently not doing with it, we just haven't finished the UI and stuff yet. We'll see what order it happens in. I know that I, for one, would like courtyards.