Has anyone Witnessed a Fishy Transformation yet?

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Unforked, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    I've been making this a personal goal, and I *think* I know what the prerequisites are, but no luck. The main challenge now seems to be about getting things culty enough.
  2. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    I haven't seen one yet, to my disappointment. I *have* got as far as having a Naturalist discover an Artifact, and bring it back to town, where it was fully researched (it's also possible to partially research artifacts) by a Lab Assistant on a Macroscope. The result of that research was bonus prestige for my colony, rather than the Fishy Transformation shown in the December trailer, but I assume that's the required chain of events. I don't know how the new Fishy Idols factor in to it, though.
  3. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Fishy Idols, of course! Completely forgot about those.

    Like you, I've managed to research a few artifacts and always get prestige from it eventually. My thinking was that maybe the scientist or lab assistant has to be a cult member in order to "look at the darker side" of an artifact and trigger the transformation. Not sure why I assumed this. The fishy idol connection makes far more sense, but so far I haven't even seen one.
  4. Kiojan

    Kiojan Member

    I discovered an Obeliskian artifact and built a lab to study it. The scientist put it under the microscope and got a hitherto unseen memory "felt the thoughts of the idiot-servator" or something to that effect and promptly stored the artifact away. When I checked on it, I got this. Apparently, Empire scientists can be sensible sometimes (though the scientist in question actually had the maddened intellectual trait!)

  5. FIbinachi

    FIbinachi Member

    Yeah, I've got one occurence. Very gradual transformation into a fish person, complete with a pretty creepy gradual extrusion of gills and such-like on the colonist model.

    Creepy stuff.

    Can't really say that I did anything the above haven't done, though.
  6. I always assumed (but never tested) that they had to have a fishy disposition trait when researching a fishy idol? Has anybody tried that?
  7. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Interesting, I guess the right trait makes all the difference. I'll have to keep testing. Thanks for all the suggestions and experiences.
  8. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

  9. Samut

    Samut Member

    I haven't tested this, but opening building_study_item.fsm and changing local r = rand(1,10) to local r = 1 should guarantee a critical failure every time (which is what you're looking for).
  10. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    (You meddle with forces beyond human ken!)
  11. Samut

    Samut Member

    Well yeah - that's why I told Alephred to do it first. If his head explodes or something, then I know not to do it. That's the scientific method, man.
  12. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire


    Partial success! I guess we know the script fix works, anyway:

    Last edited: Feb 27, 2015
  13. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Nice! I've researched at least five fishy idols, but never with a result like that. I'm surprised that didn't do it.
  14. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    (I'm currently working on hooking these back up to the revised madness/cult system BTW)