Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Mar 20, 2015.

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  1. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    A test version of the hotfix for Revision 37 has now been pushed to the experimental branch. Changes include:

    - FIX: crash saving render-side jobs with invalid pointers
    - FIX: # jobs being done in assignment could go < 0 and then break jobs system

    The second one, embarrassingly, was caused by a typo. The first one, however, necessitated a re-plumbing of a lot of stuff that, quite frankly, needs a little more banging on before pushing it to the general public. Ergo the Experimental Branch.

    Go forth and beat the stuffing out of it. If it looks good, or better to people, we'll flip it over to the main branch.

    Note that there still are (apparently long-standing) issues with some of the workshops and having jobs cancelled, or having jobs with standing orders. I'm going to just rewrite this code from the ground up, I think; it has too many hacks bolted on for me to be happy right now.
    Alianin, Viion and wargarurumon like this.
  2. redchaostry

    redchaostry Member

    Not a crash, but I received an error in day 4 or 5 that apparently disable harvesting. They would still tend the crops, but then just let them wither away.

    Attached Files:

  3. jack nory

    jack nory Member

    Just had a 15 day session with 45 + Colonists. All looked well until the game hung for several minutes and never recovered.


    I was unable to make cloth bolts from the textile workshop. The machine just ate up all the flax and didn't give me my bolts. At that moment I got a script error show in the picture below. (It does sound like a bug that was in a previous version.)

    Finally, I noticed that you guys really stayed up late to get this hotfix out and that does show some dedication, I've been through a few late deployments myself. Take your time, I support you and if a revision is late a few days or weeks is not a big deal. Thanks for letting us get in on early access.

    Attached Files:

  4. wargarurumon

    wargarurumon Member

    "I was unable to make cloth bolts from the textile workshop. The machine just ate up all the flax and didn't give me my bolts. At that moment I got a script error show in the picture below. (It does sound like a bug that was in a previous version.) "

    same here
  5. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    I don't know if it was part of the hotfix, but it would appear that reserved materials (e.g. stuff being used to construct modules) are no longer counted as part of the general Commodities. That's a small, but very welcome change. It means my standing orders won't get hung up any more, and it means I won't accidentally consume my last iron plate. Huzzah!
  6. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Checking this out ( OC-3049 )
  7. Had exactly the same script error as Jack Nory above.

    I also had a colonist frozen in place in front of the spinning mule, effectively blocking it's use and unable to do anything but stand there. No eating, fleeing, sleeping etc. It's quite creepy actually. Even when allocated for frontier justice my soldiers just ignored the frozen guy, probably as they were too creepy to attack!
  8. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    I've found, personally, that the Spinning Mule tends to get Colonists stuck on it. A workaround is to go into the module interface and move it by one or more grid squares to free them.
    An Actual Englishman likes this.
  9. Interesting! I'll give it a go, thanks for the tip alephred!

    Curse those spinning mules and their colonist trapping ways!
  10. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    (BTW workbenches work perfectly well to do what the Spinning Mule does!)
    An Actual Englishman likes this.
  11. FIbinachi

    FIbinachi Member

    I'm not quite sure what's happening, but after the recent updates there's been a marked increase in... standing about, I guess. It's mostly at night, where colonists just idle in place. They often wander to the stockpile, grab something to eat, and then just stand there, doing nothing, neither gossiping nor talking to each other nor heralding the keening doom of the briny depths. It's as if there's a disconnection between whatever toggles their "Is it night" and the "It is night, don't do work, but do XX". They don't do normal jobs like mining, construction and so on for the most part, but they don't do anything else either.

    The end result of this is that even at day 14, with 6 colonists who all have "Overcome by maddening visions" / "Humbled by the malign vastness of the cosmos" going on, aren't happy at all, no information or strangeness is being shared. They sleep, sometimes, then stand next to the bed or the stockpile until night ends, then go back to work.

    ( I should point out that was a weird game, it was 4 colonists who all got "fishy", so seeing fishmen reduced them to wrecks instantly, and 2 colonists found artifacts )

    ( Also, I had the worst military squad, 3 who were all Craven led by a Doomed NCO. 137st Engineers! Dig Ditches, Hide Deep!)

    I should add I very much like the new bandit factions, interactions with them and the back and forth there. That's neat, adds a lot of character without really doing more than giving them a name. Although bandits do spawn with surprising frequency. It would be nice with an indicator of what goods you recieve when they drop them off, assuming you're the kind of craven colonial overseer who'll pull a truth with bandit factions. Knowing what it is otherwise is a bit hard.

    Edit: Also, this isn't a bug or anything but since Upper Class Colonists don't follow into the job/workcrew track, you have no real control over them. So they often do what they're intent on doing, which is fine, but it also means they do those "Random jobs" that aren't real "jobs". I've had a surprising amount of Poets and Aristocrats who bury corpses. It seems somewhat out of character for them to do this.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2015
  12. FIbinachi

    FIbinachi Member

    As per requested in the previous build, I have something about the Science Crate.

    I have a repeateable crash to desktop! I request the crate, it dropped, and got stuck in an aspen tree. It was not on the commodities list and no-one interacted with it.

    Oh well, I had the tree chopped down, at which point someone moved the crate to a stockpile and my lead scientsti, Coaflscofl, eventually took it from there to a macro-scope. He researched it, got a "Some device in the science crate activated and damage your macro-scope!". Then left it in the macroscope, grabbed a black pyramid out back of the science building (What? Where do you store your dark pyramids?), researched that on top of the science crate, had a horrible scientific breakthrough with the ostensibly broken macroscope (no repairs were ever carried out) and then started going a wee bit, err, strange.

    You'll notice the science crate is still in the labratory in the macro-scope. If you open the science lab and ask to "Demolish zone", the game crashed to desktop. I checked this twice by re-loading a save doing it.

    edit: err, hang on.

    That should do it, I hope - dropbox link, dmp and what I hope is the console txt in the documents folder? (Save 37 is after the event with the crashable labratory, save 35/36 is before)

    ( as a side-thing, if you click around the various colonists you'll notice 6-7 of the are overcome with maddening horrors, not in particularly good states and or three bolts short of a full bucket. Despite this, cult activity is non-existent because people seemingly don't gossip very much. I've seen it happen twice. )

    Not sure I posted this in the right place. Apologies if I didn't.
    Oh, interestingly, if you re-load to an earlier save, wait patiently, and get lucky, the science crate instead gets researched and turns out to contain [REDACTED].

    Still gets stuck in the macroscope, though.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2015
  13. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Yeah, this is making it difficult to enjoy all the cult stuff.

    After multiple games I *can* get cults to form by digging up artifacts, but they don't spread easily and activity is extremely low.
  14. redchaostry

    redchaostry Member

    Hurray, made it to the end of day 22.

    --------------------------------------Not sure what goes here as it is blocked by the scroll bar v
    Error: [string 'crop|HarvestCropMessage"}:462: attempt to index field 'entityData' (a value) [ scriptMessage | crop ]
    FSM harvest being disabled

    Replay and console here:
  15. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    I like the fact that we're getting these very strange and lovely stories wandering out. I'm not sure what happened to the gossip; I believe somebody tweaked it but evidently not for the better. I'll hunt the harvest issue this weekend.
  16. Kiojan

    Kiojan Member

    Just had an extremely enjoyable/fun experience!

    First, I managed to get a sustainable food supply going. You just need to commit enough farmers and enough cooks (and ovens) to the job and make sure you have a decent reserve.

    Second, early on during the game I was hit by a bandit raid and fended them off. When inquired as to how to dispose of the deceased ruffians I decided to take the higher path and give them a proper burial. To my surprise, the bandit gang that raided me was touched by my humanity and offered a truce! I accepted and, later on, as a sign of goodwill, the bandits offered the colony some goods that had 'fallen from an airship' or something to that effect. I accepted.

    However, later on, one of my colonists grew curious of the goods and demanded an investigator be sent for from the ministry. I tried to allay their suspicions but they insisted. I considered covering it up or even having the nosy colonist silenced but ultimately decided to face the music. To my surprise, when the investigator from the ministry arrived several days later he turned out to be an ineffectual fop and didn't turn up anything illegal. Huzzah!


    It's just a shame I couldn't save the game. The game hung when I opened the work crew menu. I hit pause and eventually it started up again. I turned off several butcher fishperson jobs (they'd been active for several days without being completed) and when I unpaused the game, it didn't unpause. That is, the pause icon in the upper left hand of the screen went off and on but nothing happened. Colonists stood/walked in place. I could access colonist information, issue new orders (though obviously they weren't carried out), etc. but I couldn't save, save and quit, or even quit without saving. I had to force a shutdown from windows.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2015
  17. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    The cult behavior is still very much actively being worked on, and since they're more (shall we say) disruptive to the game than things like bandits, they're currently much less frequent interactions. Our goal is to have interesting stuff going on constantly, but that probably isn't the same as "cult stuff is going on constantly".

    Don't worry, lots of cosmic horror content is planned, we're just focusing more on getting the core economic loop feeling responsive and rewarding before we really dig into the ways that can get disrupted.
  18. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    Got a couple of hours in. No crashes, script errors or FSM disables.

    Did notice when flattening a mesa that the surface clay nodes remained suspended at their original altitude.
    I can't thank the dev team enough for this one! :D

    Unfortunately the stockpile bugbear hasn't been fully taken care of. The nearest-empty-square fix does work for most workshop and farming jobs; I say "most" because while the kitchen and carpentry outputs seemed to all go where expected, the brick ceramics kiln was going to a different stockpile, one that was open to only food and tools/weapons, and seemed to be picking the furthest possible space. However, for "loose" goods such as felled lumber and the bonus farm outputs, haulers still seem to use the same line-by-line fill as before, including filling empty spaces with items that were already in the pile.

    Along similar lines, has anyone else seen colonists hauling with seemingly empty hands, or picking up items (other than the expected spontaneously generated tools) from the ground where the item doesn't become visible until carried?
  19. FIbinachi

    FIbinachi Member

    Sorry, I guess it's kind of an issue of having played various builds by now, so going from about a murder a day to nothing at all is more noticable than it would be had I started playing with this update, without the mental backdrop of how frequent different behaviour used to be. I understand very well that it's still being worked on! (And worked on late, at that)

    But it's also because "Cult" is a good bench-mark for how much colonists talk, it's the most visible thing that easily happens when they're allowed to gossip and news spread. I think my main issue is just that it doesn't feel as if the colonists interact very much at all with the recent updates, which somewhat cripples a few of the neater subsystems. If communists and common minglers can't get together to discuss the plights of the lower classes, or if the various strange dreams and horrifying experiences individual colonists have aren't being shared with each other it somewhat mangles the approach of memory / trait distribution. The most visible, easily noticed effect of this is the lack of cult-ish activity and the lack of spread, yet a lot of the more subtle things are also lost which I guess is what I miss. I sort of enjoy watching pretend people discuss hats, and compared to the rate they used to do so it happens almost not at all now. That also means a lot of things in effect become more isolated. Maddening visions aren't shared, sure, but neither do colonists talk about how hungry they are, the aristocracy or how happy they are, so mood effects tend to solely be based on things that happen directly to them (Did I sleep inside, did I eat food?) instead of also being influenced by the other colonists around them.

    This turns into a weird thing where angry colonists stay angry, stamp their feet to feel angry, and are angry because they're angry for instance. I've had several that had 5-7 angry red faces on their memory track because the only mood influence they have are, well, themselves. So it's angry red face angry red face angry red face BED angry red face angry red face angry red face FOOD angry red face. And even this eruption of minor screaming and lack of fondness for the colony isn't shared with anyone, although you'd think it'd be visible since they're apparently stamping their feet all the time.

    Re: Wolg: Yes, many colonists carry around empty things and drop of packages of "nothing" at the stockpile. I can't be entirely sure, but it feels as if it happens more the longer you play which could be an indicator that it's something in the new model hookup for advancement skills.

    Speaking of moving things about, stuff mined from the MK1 mining module often dis-obey the stockpiling rules. For instance, in the save-game I posted in the dropbox link the mining-module is ringed by stockpiles, but the miners often preferentially drop things off elsewhere.

    Oh and the mining pick-axe hovers in the air outside the mining module when a colonist is in it.

    Other than that it really is a very stable update, going from timber to multi-shot-carbines is spiffy and rewarding and soon the Opulent Manor At The Edge of Town with the 4 Upper Class Beds in it will be complete, which means a lot of the economic feedback is working very well and with some clever use of "produce minimum X" you can sit back and just direct policy instead of micromanaging everything.

    I also quite like the fluctuations of prestige. Perhaps it could influence the happiness of colonists? "Enjoyed a talk about the colony's good name" / "Was despaired at the woeful reputation of the colony?"
    Unforked likes this.
  20. Krentz

    Krentz Member

    I got this same "cancel some jobs, game hangs and won't respond to any input" problem
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