Fan art thread?

Discussion in 'Stories & Fan Fiction' started by ffschooler, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. ffschooler

    ffschooler Member

    Hullo! I saw a fan fiction area of the forum here, but no fan art area or thread :p Tell me if this is the wrong place for it.

    Anyway, story: I'm a budding artist. I've been funneling most of my creative output into a forum game, but it's on hiatus. So I chose to use Dredmor as a way to get out my drawing today. I created stuff!

    The first was in my introduction post, but it has a lot of problems. Like the left arm not working that way, and things being in general off-kilter. I like the way the face and hair turned out, though. It'll be a while 'till I can draw proper humans with everything right the first time.

    Now for the smaller things. First up I made this:


    Enjoyed making that immensely. It was pretty easy. Next is some sort of horrible polymorph of the poor Hero: Dighero!

    I don't like the way that one turned out either. He looks kind of like a potato! Finally for now is a ROMANTIC CUTSCENE. That's all for now. I may post some later. If anyone has anything of their own, this might be a good place to put it!
    Godwin likes this.
  2. 123stw

    123stw Member


    Anyone thrown away their kittens lately?
  3. ffschooler

    ffschooler Member

    Hey, that's really good. I need to draw scenes larger like that.

    ...wait, you can have kittens in Dredmor?
  4. 123stw

    123stw Member

    Kittens are quest items that you need to bring to shines and stuff. It is also hiding behind the main character on the title screen. Since I never bother to do any quest besides the "kill target x" ones, I tend toss the kittens right when I found them.
  5. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    Good stuff guys :cool:
  6. Pokenoob

    Pokenoob Member

    I wish i was good at art so i could post here
  7. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Dighero and the Romantic Scene are awesome!! Nice :)
  8. ffschooler

    ffschooler Member

    Wow I sucked when I made all these! Not saying much since I still suck but slightly less.

    Here, have some FREE SKILL ICONS that's right I said FREE SKILL ICONS I don't care what you do with them but I will post more and would be honored if anyone used them.

    dbaumgart likes this.
  9. Ooooh. Diggle Dark Fire. Anti-radiance. ;)
    Wi§p likes this.
  10. ffschooler

    ffschooler Member

    In my mind, I was thinking, "What if there was a regeneration/buff based tree?" Then I was like: "WHAT IF THERE WAS ANTI-REGENERATION?" Thus, the two anti-regen/anti-healing icons were born.
    Wi§p likes this.
  11. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    An (anti-)regeneration DoT themed tree? Yes please~!
  12. Aquaman

    Aquaman Member

    Edit: Added more art to the gallery!

    Decided to post the art that MrAltamente and myself, have created for DoD so far. Currently the majority of pictures are all items. However, there is a spell icon among our art.

    That said, here is our art gallery!

    All of the art is used in my item mod shop,which can be found in my signature. While you may browse the pictures I ask that you do not use in additional mods without MrAltamente's or my approval.

    Supportive criticism much appreciated. :D
    MrAltamente and ElectricMessiah like this.