Descent into the Dungeon OOC thread

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Dyrynify, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    Descent into the Dungeon!(OOC)

    This is the official OOC thread for the Descent into the Dungeon campaign. This thread is open for commentary about the game, and general randomness. In that spirit, I say to you all, Pickle-weasel.[​IMG]
  2. LonePaladin

    LonePaladin Member

    I'll upload Swig's files here once I'm done spending money. I'm a little rusty on 3.5, so I'm having to refresh my memory in the process.
  3. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Yeah, I just realized I used 1st level starting gear. I'll have to revamp Berz' equips based on 5th level monies.
  4. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    While you do, sON reminded me to tell everyone that because of the theme, most enchantments are available on most equipment types. You still need a masterwork item, as per D&D rules. For example, a ring or armor that gives +1d6 fire damage or a dagger that gives ice resistance +5. Also, if you need help figuring out how to make the stats and enchantment types translate to D&D, ask me here or in private.
  5. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Like I said in PM, I'll pass for this one (though thanks for the offer Dyrynify) but I'll definitely be reading and that way will know more how a game goes.
  6. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    Ok. Maybe next time.
  7. LonePaladin

    LonePaladin Member

    All righty. I've attached the save files for Swig and his spellbook; you'll need HeroForge (and SpellForge) to open them. I can post a stat-block somewhere if you like.

    Attached Files:

  8. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    I would prefer that. I dislike HeroForge myself. Can HeroForge export into a non proprietary character sheet? As in, one readable on other programs, like Acrobat for .pdfs?
  9. LonePaladin

    LonePaladin Member

    Here are the character sheets in PDF format.

    Sorry to hear you don't like my work. But, hey, everyone has their preferences.

    Attached Files:

  10. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    No offence intended, my friend.
  11. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    Thank you, all that looks good.
  12. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    So just to get this straight, we're playing D&D? Not DoD? As in: we don't have caddishness etc, we don't have Viking Wizardry and Golemancy etc? We don't let the DM roll randomly which skills we get?
    Damn... just imagining that makes me want to do that next time... Maybe I'll even DM it... although I'd love to play it :p
    We could always use the game to calculate stuff... and we start out with the respective equipment you get in the game... darn, really getting enthusiastic here...
    Don't want to disturb the D&D idea though, and I'll gladly play that. Just something that suddenly occurred to me.
    ok... at the risk of sounding superfluous in the extreme (but I have on another website just recently given an alternative to something and that resulted in a nasty reaction): I don't mean to hurt you/annoy you/step on your toes, etc.
  13. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    No problem. We are running a DoD themed D&D. D&D classes and stats, DoD pretty much everything else.
  14. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    ok :) sent you a pm just before reading this. Like, a minute ago.
  15. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

  16. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    You guys rock. I love 3.5, and will definitely be keeping an eye on the action!
  17. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    Still taking players if you are interested.
  18. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    I'll just keep an eye out and maybe help with random questions should they arise (have played 3.5 weekly since it came out). Otherwise I worry that I just have too much Gaslamp work to really commit to it.
  19. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    OK, fully updated character sheet for Berz is here

    Lemme know if you need it in a non-Word format. :)
  20. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    It's getting pretty exciting...! :)