though rough to get through and many little beetles later, finally made it. chugs along at a not so good pace - probably because of all the little glitches think at least 15 graves are from vicar's confessional powers of paralization. even tried having a vicar only work during last hours of the night before morning. got 4 confessions, froze the 5th and 6th one. I should screen the chapel's list of "take confession" that scroll off the top of the screen and into orbit nobody home here for at least 50 days had to stop barbershop cause they got stuck trying to cure a person who accidentally buried themselves, so cure afflictions has quite the scroll of jobs too iron stoves should last longer then stone ones one kitchen does not keep up "squish beetles" comes before shoot bandit the big building took 4 tries to erect, 2 died of starvation, and 1 was a temporary that had good stats, but I didn't get him there early enough, 4th time the charm, took almost 3 full days just to build it after all materials got in place. metal shop --- ugg that's got some tweaking needed. People making more bars then requested, bars being left in the ovens, taking a full day to make just 4 bars of brass (mats ready) had someone die and they stayed in "crew list" and his starving symbol stayed over his gravestone (symbol stayed till load/save) found if you can survive the first troop attack you don't really need to make weapons, just keep on bandits and future invasions. Think I was invaded 4 times. First time hurt, rest held my own. stopped using mine the first time a fishperson set it off and killed two of my colonists turned away probably a good 100 immegrants not having a place to put them temporary overseers, have to keep very close eye, best to have them on making planks, then when they about to go, cancel production. had several items fall at their feet lost to the system. **also if overseer leaves or dies with workers, chance for workers to be stuck in system as well. 1 miner. Go miner Go! he was the one overseer from the beginning that lasted through and through. No helpers given, just heading to the iron/sulpher mine for all eternity. So proud! not sure how many irons, but I'm sure of at least 200 sulphers he pulled from the mine. (mine was 4ir 4su 2cl) ok enough from me. I know many of these things are already being worked on. I may be grumpy sounding, but I wouldn't have plugged through to hit my goals, especially the 100 day goal if I wasn't enjoying the game. Sethius