Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Jul 27, 2016.

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  1. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Apparently a juncture is in time, and a junction is in space. In case you were wondering what the difference is.

    Changes since Beta 52f:

    the Barbershop now notifies you in its UI when it is nonfunctional because of a lack of chairs
    broken module UI elements should no longer permit mouse events
    added confirmation windows on all exit without saving options
    scaled the terrain generator parameters to altered map size
    added a new biome generator for alpine forests
    Ceramics skill is now Stoneworking. (In future builds its scope will be expanded to include mining)
    the following jobs will now show progress bars: Finish Upkeep, Clear Object, Deconstruct Building, Deconstruct Module, Flatten Terrain
    made graveyard stamp footprint smaller
    non-player agents who get stuck on the map will self-despawn if they fail pathing too many times
    added smarter abort case to carrying corpse job
    balance: the area around the starting location is now guaranteed to be flat
    balance: colonists must drink booze in a pub. They may not drink booze outside the pub. To do so would be Uncivilized.
    balance: made drinking booze make colonists slightly happier
    balance: made combat memories more fearful to civilians
    balance: Immigration is more likely to give you lots of characters if you have significant excess capacity
    FIXED: Master/W-tier upkeep trunks now show the actual number being produced in their recipe
    FIXED: Pubs will now accept all forms of booze rather than just beer
    FIXED: foreign-office triggered traders were not showing up
    FIXED: "Suspicious Goods" event now uses the proper start position
    FIXED: crash bug with the work crew selection widget
    FIXED: attacking a quill would freeze character
    FIXED: dormant obeliskian could attack people in very rare case
    FIXED: could give orders to shoot bandits after they are dead and buried
    FIXED: rare case where a door could not find a stair style now defaults to reasonable model
    FIXED: various edge cases that would cause traders to be stuck in player's colony
    FIXED: pubs, entirely
    FIXED: barber job weighting
    FIXED (52F): modules would not restart in building UI after getting upkeep after being broken
    FIXED (52F): scripterror during scientist sampling job
    FIXED (52F): crops could explode forever
    FIXED: deleting null ptr when regenerating work crew selection box
    FIXED: Do not allow player to click individual trees for harvesting
  2. Tarod

    Tarod Member

    "balance: the area around the starting location is now guaranteed to be flat"
    Thank you thank you.
    DaCrAzYmOfO and dbaumgart like this.
  3. DaCrAzYmOfO

    DaCrAzYmOfO Member

    Omg yes! I basically spent the first 2 days on purely Terra forming to get a viable colony.

    Also @dbaumgart will the pub store different types of booze in different vats?
  4. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    The generators are actually a little more flat in general now. We initially added height variation to artificially slow down the pacing to the game, but at this point now that the economy of the game is pretty good we can back off on that.

    Edit: also scaling the generators for the map sizes should make them less weirdly noisy and therefore less punishing for flattening as well.
    Tarod and DaCrAzYmOfO like this.
  5. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Right now all booze goes into the same vat.
    DaCrAzYmOfO likes this.
  6. DaCrAzYmOfO

    DaCrAzYmOfO Member

    Ah, as I feared. So there's no point in making refined alcohol at the moment.
    Well besides trading.
  7. Tarod

    Tarod Member

    "balance: colonists must drink booze in a pub. They may not drink booze outside the pub. To do so would be Uncivilized."

    This should not apply to alcoholics and ex-bandits and other uncivilized people. For flavor :)
    Selly1, tojosan and DaCrAzYmOfO like this.
  8. DaCrAzYmOfO

    DaCrAzYmOfO Member

    Also eventually make the crew of the pub serve different levels of colonists or have a vat assigned to them for the specific types of alcohol
    Tarod likes this.
  9. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    I don't think the flat land around the starting area is working.
    Tarod likes this.
  10. DaCrAzYmOfO

    DaCrAzYmOfO Member

    The "have naturalist explore" button doesn't allow you press escape in order to cancel its function. It also doesn't allow you to place it on uneven ground.

    As for the comment above, it worked for me but there's still plenty of land to be flattened, its just not as outrageous with tons of cliffs as it was before.
  11. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    (Ugh, the Have Naturalist Explore button is actually a WIP; it shouldn't have made it into the main build...)
  12. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Yeah, that kinda snuck in to the build and shouldn't have. It technically works, I think? But not really intended for use yet.
  13. DaCrAzYmOfO

    DaCrAzYmOfO Member

    Yeah it does you just have to switch to a different job to cancel the overlay.
  14. DaCrAzYmOfO

    DaCrAzYmOfO Member

    Log stuck in carpentry workbench forbid it self and is stuck in module

    Attached Files:

  15. mcnostril

    mcnostril "The First To Crash"

    I've had a colonist appear with both Light Sleeper and Heavy Sleeper as traits.
    Oh wow, that is correct. I need to read them tooltips more carefully.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2016
  16. Mikel

    Mikel Waiting On Paperwork From The Ministry. Forever.

    Based on their descriptions they are not mutually exclusive
  17. tojosan

    tojosan Member

    Quick report: much improved. Colonists are arriving. No crashes so far. (cross fingers this is now the norm.)
    Also: still meat doesn't show as selectable however it's there and it can be made into cooked meat. <- ongoing issue.
    Bandits: I got the message they were coming. They never arrived. Hmmmm.
  18. Generated a new map just out of habit and I remain unconvinced! Do you mean flat to build on or just not massively vertically challenging?

    Edit, I chose the Stalwart Supply start and I have a character with military skill 2 but they're not showing as soldiers used to. Is this intended, feels a bit odd IMO. Also, given that this start is meant to have footsolider shouldn't that footsolider be in the NCO's squad?

    Attached Files:

  19. tojosan

    tojosan Member

    Crashed this morning. .crash file attached.

    Attached Files:

  20. DaCrAzYmOfO

    DaCrAzYmOfO Member

    They removed NCO's from all starting loadouts so you can have more workers. They haven't fixed the text for each start though. You still have a musket locker in case you want to make a small barracks and interchange an overseer/crew with an NCO to fight off early threats.

    It does sound like a good idea to guarantee an NCO with higher military skill and maybe the "brutish" and "big game hunter" trait to be your psuedo-NCO
    Menthol_Penguin likes this.
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