Research requirements in module descriptions

Discussion in 'Design Suggestions' started by Seriously Mike, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. So, I do find the release version's module system confusing. So very, very confusing. For example, how do I make those Advanced Workbench and Quaint Rug modules? I can place them, of course, but none of the workshops has an option to make them!
    Oh, I'm supposed to build a laboratory first, make an ample supply of Scientific Materials, and wait? Why did nobody tell me that, nowhere, no how? All I need is a "needs to be researched" note in the module's description!

    Also, placed modules cannot be removed, regardless of whether they have already been unboxed or even manufactured.
    Exile likes this.
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    This is something we want to address, yes.