Fancy Bookcase

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Regina Absher, Dec 2, 2016.

  1. Regina Absher

    Regina Absher Member

    I have the advanced workbench in all my shops, but I cannot find where to build this. It says it is suppose to be made in the carpentry shop but I can't find it as an option at any of my work stations.
  2. The "fancy bookcase" require the "Advanced Learning" technology, in the same branch of the one for benches.
    At least If I rember correctly...
    Exile likes this.
  3. I just obtained visual proof of my statement! yay!

    Attached Files:

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  4. Regina Absher

    Regina Absher Member

    I have advanced learning. Not sure why I can't find where to build it.
  5. Jagwithtude

    Jagwithtude Member

    @Cthulhu_Awaits just curious, how the heck did you get a -24 in you lab pt counter?
    Exile likes this.
  6. both regular and advance workbenches. But be aware that the recipe in the advanced is wrong, it will work but you need the resources you can see both in the module menu or in the single bookcase recipe (x5 obviously). It'll be right after the normal bookcase.

    It's a little bug and an unwanted exploit; the works likes this: if you click really quickly when you "purchase" a research, you can get also the one that takes its place, but the total cost in tech points is still subtracted, thus the negative point count. I don't really like this "exploit" both because is a bug, because I can't control which technology I get (and it happened that I got really expensive technologies that I didn't need while I was trying to get other technologies on the same branch -.-'), but the mouse I'm using right now has a bit of problem, in which it sometimes register an ultra quick double-click instead of a single-click. So things like this happen sometimes. Is it clear enough, or did I fall in convoluted and twisted expressions?
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
    Exile and Jagwithtude like this.
  7. Jagwithtude

    Jagwithtude Member

    @Cthulhu_Awaits Hahaha No, no convoluted or twisted expressions, I understand/understood everything you write/wrote. ;)

    Just out of curiosity what is your native tongue?

    On and BTW, I cheated and took Unforked's save and found the name change, sweet, thank you but as it was not my turn I'll let someone else find the name change.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2016
    Exile likes this.
  8. Here is where I can build them. Keep in mind that I currently play on the stable branch. I would have directly checked your game, if you attached a save file (little tip, if you encounter a bug always attach a save file in which it is visible). This is the the most I can do. (the 10 B&B recipe is wrong, you 30 planks and 15 glass panes)

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    • FB1.jpg
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      450.4 KB
    • FB2.jpg
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      449.2 KB
    Exile likes this.
  9. Regina Absher

    Regina Absher Member

    I tried to upload my save but it says it is too large. I tripled checked. No fancy bookcase on the version I am playing. Oh well, thank you all so much for taking the time to answer me!
    Cthulhu_Awaits likes this.
  10. Ok, dropbox links can help you in this case (save in dropbox and share link [if you really want to get this far ahead into reporting a problem:rolleyes:]), and at this point I suggest you to post something in the "Bugs" section.
    Exile likes this.
  11. Regina Absher

    Regina Absher Member

    Thank you for your help!
    Cthulhu_Awaits likes this.
  12. From now on, I must use the touchpad when I select the research. -.-'
    Jagwithtude and Exile like this.
  13. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Stop that! *wags finger*
    Exile likes this.
  14. research 1.jpg

    I paid the price... :(
    Exile likes this.
  15. Jonta

    Jonta Member

  16. Well, now I don't need the academy to train the science skill to lv.5 :D
    Exile likes this.
  17. Jonta

    Jonta Member

    there is always the LOAD option
  18. I won.

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  19. Regina Absher

    Regina Absher Member

    It turned out it was operator error. I thought I had unlocked with my science research, but I had not. Thanks everyone for your help.
    Cthulhu_Awaits likes this.