^^, because: Thematic correctitude: " is the primary attribute of the Pirate" No existing non-mod skills grant boni (apart from lvl 8 Werediggle Curse, and even that's just +1) Piracy is the only non-mod, non-Mage skill that doesn't grant any stat boni The skill is currently somewhat UP (even if it wasn't bugged)
I feel like all the "secondary" primary stats ( ) are rather underwhelming. Stubbornness especially - it gives you teeeeeny tiny amounts of stats that are only noticable when you have greeeeeaaaat big wads of them ( ). Caddishness is relatively decent compared to the other 2, in that it gives you good stats. It gives you such a small amount, though, that you'd be better off gaining 1 point of REAL than you are gaining one point of Caddylove.
I disagree about the main stats feeling useless. When you pop a Azure Mob-Bonnet, you can definitely tell a difference in your spell damage output. I personally don't feel haywire is all that great. When spells are popping out 2-3 numbers each cast, can you tell which damage is being increased? I see like 4 numbers when I cast Thaumites, but 2 are always invariably Zero. Without a combat log of sorts, I don't think we will never know (and with all the secondary, tertiary, quartenary, procs built into spells and abilities, it probably wouldn't be pretty anyway).