Hardcore Permadeath Challenge (Inspired by Barry)

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by JonLastUK, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. JonLastUK

    JonLastUK Member

    Inspired by The Many Death of Barry, doing pretty much the same thing ans seeing how long I last :)
    Original thread -

    My episodes will be listed seperately on this thread :

    Jon I -
    Jon II Part I -
    Jon II Part II -
    Jon III -
    Jon IV -
    Jon V Part I -
    Jon V Part II -
    Jon VI Part I -
    Jon VI Part II -
    Jon VII -
    Jon VIII Part I -
    Jon VIII Part II -
    Jon VIII Part III -
    Jon VIII Part IV -
    Jon VIII Part V -
    Jon VIII Part VI -
    Jon VIII Part VII -
    Jon VIII Part VIII -
    Jon IX Part I -
    Jon IX Part II -
    Jon IX Part III -
    Jon X Part I -
    Jon X Part II -
  2. JonLastUK

    JonLastUK Member

    Part III is up (see above) I havent tried wit the new patch yet, qanything I need to be aware of before filming?
  3. JonLastUK

    JonLastUK Member

    Part IV is up. Its not going to take too much of your time haha :)
  4. JonLastUK

    JonLastUK Member

    Jon V Part I is up, getting better at this :) Part II will be up shortly.
  5. waitwhat

    waitwhat Member

    Haha, random skills! If you could win the game like that it'd be something else!

    Something Ive noticed you ought to do... When facing multiple enemies you need to position yourself in narrow one tile space so you only receive attack of one enemy at a time. Also stops up the gap so u can use a crowd control spell against that one enemy and block the rest of them (especially helpful when retreating from monster zoos).

    Im on permadeath going rogue at the moment. Non-random skill though of course.

    Got a good skill loadout (psionics, dual wield, maces, artful dodger, assassination, smithing, archaeology) and am doing ok after spending a lot of time on the first levels spawning enemies (rapid fire spacebar) and leveling up.

    I wouldnt record it because in order to do well and survive you have to spend loads of time just spawning enemies and cycling through item modifiers with archaeology ability, crafting items, etc.
  6. generalm13

    generalm13 Member

    dude you totally forgot to loot the bookcase lol, the flipflops were behind the case XD
  7. JonLastUK

    JonLastUK Member

    Jon V Part II is up, enjoy :)
  8. JonLastUK

    JonLastUK Member

    Annnd Jon VI Part I is up too (keeping the momentum going, wonder how many Jons there will be before we kill Dredmor, and how many people are hardcore enough to watch my vids till then :D )
  9. Pecka

    Pecka Member

    It's good that you're posting these up fast, so i always have something to watch :D.
  10. JonLastUK

    JonLastUK Member

    Well Pecka, its your lucky day because I've just put up Jon VI Part II :)
  11. JonLastUK

    JonLastUK Member

    Jon VII is up (it wont take you long to watch, lol)
  12. Fatdude

    Fatdude Member

    You should use doors and close them if you see to much enemies and such.Jon VII could have survived longer if you closed the doot at 5:49-5:50.
  13. JonLastUK

    JonLastUK Member

    So I splurged today and uploaded EIGHT more videos! Please enjoy :D
  14. Marak

    Marak Member

    Liking the series so far! Have some tips, free of charge:

    1) When you have a character with low Trap Sight or Trap Affinity, use Click to Move instead of the arrow keys or WASD. Left-clicking on the screen will cause your character to walk to that space. You can stop movement (if you see enemies, for instance) by hitting spacebar or pretty much any menu hotkey (I for inventory, etc). While your guy is "auto-walking", the AI will avoid traps like the plague, even if you can't even see them yet. It's a huge help on the lower levels when food is low and HP is low and Trap stats are low, but the quantity of traps encountered is most definitely NOT low.

    2) The Zodiacal Wand, in case you get a Wand character again, cures Curses on your character. Basically, it removes most any debuff that isn't disease/acid/poison. Not terribly helpful, but that Wand + Necronominomics might help take the edge off the curses you inflict on yourself.

    3) If you ever get a skill like Knightly Leap or Norweigan Axenado that only works on specific squares, you can hold down right-click to see the "radius" of the spell displayed in yellow and red on the dungeon floor. Mouseover where you want it to go off and then let go of right-click to execute.

    4) You completely glossed over the Bronze Breastplate on that Crafting Jon character (Jon V I think it was). You made the useless Bronze Greaves and you could have replaced your Robe with some actual armor.

    That's all for now. Gotta see how this "Jon VIII" character is going to do ;)
  15. Incendax

    Incendax Member

    Additional Tips:

    5) You can heal your pets by picking up food/potion items and dropping them onto your pet.

    6) Learn what fungus can do. You could have avoided a couple of your deaths with a handy Inky Hoglantern or Greedy Blungecap which you sold instead of saving.

    7) Save your mana for tough situations, then spam spells like crazy to win those situations.

    8) Use more Happy Dancing!
  16. Fatdude

    Fatdude Member

    I cant watch the new videos getting "Not Found" Error
  17. Ganonfro

    Ganonfro Member

    Ditto. Jon VIII vids aren't available.
  18. JonLastUK

    JonLastUK Member

    ARGH sorry I put up the wrong links! Jon IX is now up, please enjoy and Im sorry for the problems with the links.
  19. Marak

    Marak Member

    I want to second the "Use your Fungi dammit!" sentiment. Fungus are like alternate Potions - the only one that's bad is Mudwen. As for the others:

    The Inky Hoglantern makes you invisible for about 7 rounds.
    Fairywodger gives you moderate Health Regen for several turns.
    Lobstermane Fungus gives you a little Stubborness and Armor Absorb for 5 hits.
    Grunge Ear gives you 1 Resist All for about 80 turns.
    Night Cap is a Mana Potion in fungal form.
    Fell Truffle gives you some minor melee buffs for a dozen or so turns.
    Plumber's Agaric gives you 3 Burliness (pretty useless TBH) for 50-ish turns.
    Azure Mob Bonnet adds 3 Sagacity for a bit.
    Greedy Blungecap gives you lifesteal for a dozen (or so) turns, but I'm not sure if it stacks with Vampirism.
    Lastly, you can "eat" an Odious Puffball to acquire 3 Puffballs, which are thrown weapons that create a large Confusion Gas cloud.

    Great run with Jon VIII, though. Very entertaining vids :)

    Advice for next time: don't pick a choke point to fight the Zoo in that has a dead-end behind it. Blow up the map and look for a good place to flee to before you start moving or fighting anything. Also, if you flee a few rooms away and then find a choke point, some of the monsters will forget about you and stay in the Zoo, meaning you'll get a breather at some point.
  20. JonLastUK

    JonLastUK Member

    2nd part of Jon IX is up!