Ability to drag consumables from the floor to your face to consume them.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Glazed, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    I think it would be very handy to be able to drag a consumable item (food/drink/potion) from the floor to the picture of your face in order to immediately consume it. Many times I will have a full inventory and full belt and see an item on the floor that I want to consume. I have to open inventory, drop an item, pick up the consumable, right click it to consume, then pick up the item I dropped. It would be one simple action to simply drop it on my face to consume it.
    zefria and FaxCelestis like this.
  2. Chopkinsca

    Chopkinsca Member

    I made this suggestion as well and would like to see it implemented at some point.
  3. TheJadedMieu

    TheJadedMieu Member

    I would hate to see this, as I pick up items from the ground and drop them on my character's face to put them in my inventory. Would suck if I picked up some Aqua Vitae and drank that by accident!

    If you need to consume something, you can just pick it up, swap it for an item in your inv, and right-click without putting the item on the ground. Saves about two turns.
  4. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    I did a search through this forum for "consumables", but I didn't find your thread. Great minds think alike, right?

    I mean your face at the bottom of the screen. Not your character. You currently can't drop things on your face.

    See attached diagram.

    Also, did you know you can shift-click items to put them directly in your inventory?

    Attached Files:

    • Face.png
      File size:
      248.7 KB
    Rarefied Horse Meat likes this.
  5. TheJadedMieu

    TheJadedMieu Member

    You can place items on your face, and that's what I do.

    I know I can shift-click, it just feels more comfortable to pick them up manually.
  6. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    So you're saying that if you click on an item on the floor to pick it up, then click on the portrait that I labeled "face" in my screenshot, then the item ends up in your inventory? I tried this before I replied to make sure, and it didn't work. What platform are you playing on? I use Windows 7 64 bit in windowed mode.

    Also, if you do this rather than shift-clicking, why not just drop the item on your character instead of the portrait? You have to be standing next to an item to pick it up, so your character is only 1 square away from your mouse cursor when you click the item. Why would you move your mouse all the way to the portrait when you can just drop the item on your character?
  7. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Fun fact: it actually worked that way a long time ago (you dropped items on your character or face and they would use it). It was changed by popular demand but I agree with the idea. Either this or a bind (like ctrl click) to use items right away. I suggested this a while ago, don't know if it will be implemented. Either way - it's out there.
  8. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Heck, simply right clicking consumables on the floor could consume them immediately. That seems like the simplest option.
  9. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    That wouldn't work since if you have abilities you want to use on a tile that happens to have a consumable on them...
    But yeah the base idea remains the same.
  10. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Oh, right. I guess there would be a conflict there.

    Bad idea, see below: But only if the item were right next to you, and you used a spell that could target an empty square or yourself. It's something you could probably get used to watching out for. For instance, you usually don't want to cast fireball on the spot next to you, so if there's food sitting there it's probably not blocking you from making a play which you actually want to make. And if there's food far away, right clicking it wouldn't attempt to eat it (even with click to move enabled); it would just launch the fireball. So you'd really only lose the power to cast fireball or similar spells at point blank range with a food item on that exact square. Does that make it not worth programming? On the other hand, the right click idea to eat food off the floor is so similar to eating it out of your belt or inventory. It would feel very natural.
  11. Skills you'll sometimes want to use on an adacent square without accidentally eating instead:
    • AoE melee attacks
    • Pyromancy level 1
    • Mushroom Farmer 1
    • Vampirism 2
    • many mods by FaxCelestis
    I do like the face idea though. Just don't mess with my right and left clicks; I use those things!
  12. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Not to mention summoning pets.
  13. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    You have come up with many good reasons. I agree the right-click idea would be a bad one.
  14. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    Well then, instead of right-clicking them directly on the floor, they should be usable by right clicking after you've picked them up, but before you've put them in your inventory
    Glazed likes this.
  15. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    That still might be bad in some situations. I know I've accidentally picked up a consumable before when in a fight. Usually when I'm trying to melee and empty square. :) Doing that takes a turn. Then, if I want to cast a spell, and if I don't realize that I have a consumable in my hand, I will drink it instead of casting the spell, wasting another turn. I think I agree with Rarefied Horse Meat. Don't mess with right clicks.