You Have To Put The Feedback for the DLC In The Beta Thread

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Nicholas, May 1, 2012.

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  1. onyhow

    onyhow Member

    Yeah, the reason I asked is because j-factor's page shows Quake scaling with magic power in most of its damage how does it work exactly then?
  2. TheKirkUnited

    TheKirkUnited Member

    After getting my tinkering up to 8+ I was disappointed to find that the upper limits on bolt crafting remain the same. Any chance we could get an increase in the number crafted at these higher levels? Or even better, allow the crafting of ingeniously scythed bolts?

    When will I be ingenious enough!?
    Ruigi, OmniNegro, Essence and 3 others like this.
  3. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Currently it scales with Magic Power, if that's what you're asking. Null says that's by accident, though.
  4. onyhow

    onyhow Member

    Ah, I hope it got changed to proper scaling then!
  5. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Thank you, Glazed. :)
    Yeah, my memory was a little off.
    It's like Ultima 4 or whichever one had killer floors all over again. :)
  6. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    This problem may not affect only the beta but I'm not sure. I was playing DoD with RotDG on Windows XP and I found some bars. I was able to move one of the set of bars, I didn't try the other pair. I had to reload the game at one point and my last save was just before I moved those bars. I went to move the same ones I moved before and they were stuck fast. It seems the game saves aren't saving movable items right, at least the bars anyway.
  7. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    I'll check it out.
  8. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Agh. THis happens to me every so often too. I can't move certain things I should be able to move, including breakable walls.
    And it only happens after reloading a save.
  9. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    ive gotten this a couple of times in the Prison rooms and the room that's always grated off but has a walkable entrance at the top with the acid bolt trap. i just figured it was the game changing it up, not a bug :confused:
  10. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    As it turns out it never had the secondaryScale, that needs to be fixed then.
  11. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I'm sorry to hear that you got stuck in the listening post. That sucks, and was not intended at all.

    Since when can vending machines not be pushed? That room was designed under 1.0.9 and tested under 1.0.10 and they can be pushed in both of those environments. Did the DLC change that detail of vending machines and nobody told me? If there has been an intentional change to vending machine knockback-ability then yep, the room needs to be edited. There was at one point a version of ID that had an un-knockable version of that particular machine, but it was a typo that caused it, and ID was only live in that state for about a week before it was caught and patched. It's possible David ported over the older version and I didn't catch it, and something similar happened with one other room in the development process. I'll go look at the code and see what can be done.

    For the record, the danger from random teleports has always been in the main game, it didn't just spring into being when the Listening Post was added to the DLC. Given that there aren't currently huge threads complaining about this peril suggests it's might not be as big a deal as you're picturing it being. It happens, but it happens rarely, even with ID or the DLC.

    Instability Infusions are dangerous. It's a feature, not a bug. Even in the main-game, no mods, no RotDG, no YHTNTEP, they will always have a tiny chance of trapping you when you use one. If you have an area-effect floor-targeting knockback that chances of getting trapped goes down, but it doesn't go away entirely.

    You know those little 2x1 sealed areas that have a single treasure and open when you pull a lever from outside of them? They're scattered all over every floor of the dungeon and any random teleport has a chance of trapping you inside one. That's why the random teleport level of Artful Dodger has the option to turn it off, because back when it was non-optional there were threads where people posted how they'd gotten trapped in those little treasure rooms.

    My first time ever making it to floor 3 back in the day, I got swamped by a horde of unfriendly AIs in the main-game room with the huge island on that floor. Desperate to escape, I drank an instability infusion. Guess where it put me? I even had a spare infusion, but it also teleported me to another space on the same island. I ended up having to retire the character because there was no way off the island. It happens, and the first time it happens it can be quite a shock. Then you adapt your tactics to minimize the risk.

    The same problem exists with time lord scarves and gnome hats, because they trigger a random teleport when a monster hits you. The teleporter trap that appears in the lower dungeon levels makes this sort of demise very possible, even if you've avoided random teleport skills and items. All random teleports that the player can't trigger at will are dangerous.

    There are several large hidden areas in the main game, such as one on level 3 that spawns 3 weapons and a monster. It's nearly as big as the Listening Post, and not as easy to realize that it would be a bad place to use a blink effect near. Therefore, the Listening Post doesn't really make this problem significantly more likely to happen, especially not if the vending machine is knockable like it's supposed to be. Just FYI.
    Kazeto likes this.
  12. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    This would be easy to implement if not for the fact that the bolt recipes are part of the main game, while the ingeniously schythed bolts are part of the RotDG expansion.

    David stated that he would be fine with moving certain RotDG assets to the main game.

    I would consider this content worth migrating to the main game for the purposes of making crafting more interesting for tinkers.
  13. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Keep in mind that you can be struck with the blink curse even when a monster walks on a blink curse trap. So it's not a simple matter of avoiding the traps.
  14. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Did you try more than once? Knockback is never a guaranteed effect, it always has a chance of failure. If you tried several times in a row and the bars didn't move, that would be a sign of a bug with the saving process, but if it failed just once that might not mean anything.

    Breakable walls not breaking after a save was a known bug with some early 1.0.10 RCs, so perhaps it's back in the DLC?

    Or, they could add a (hidden?) recipe to expansion 1 that makes ingeniously scythed bolts with high tinkering. Either approach would work.

    Absolutely, but it's also still something that can happen without the DLC or RotDG or any mods. As long as that trap exists (and/or the scarf or hat or instability infusion exist, and/or people take Artful Dodger) there's a danger that characters will be stuck in a wall forever. If you want that to be impossible, a lot of things have to be retired.

    Plus, I believe there's a thread where it was discussed that the teleporter trap uses the wrong spell by mistake and probably wasn't intended to hit the player when a monster steps on it.

    As I said, I plan on looking into the files on that room to make sure it's not using the really old version that had the binary typo. If it is, we'll get it fixed.
  15. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    I heartily concur. This is definitely worth doing.
  16. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    If you added ingeniously scythed bolts to the hidden recipe list, it would add about 8 hidden recipes to the bookshelf list and new players would probably get confused when crafting and pick the wrong recipe. I think it would be much better to simply integrate ingeniously schythed bolts into a 6+ tinkering skill tier for the standard bolt recipes.
  17. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Actually nothing has to be retired:

    Not a difficult algorithm to implement. I did it myself for a roguelike I made a while back.
  18. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    New players already get confused because until you actually craft a high-level bolt you think there's no recipe for crafting high level bolts. It only ever displays the low-level ones. Same with thrown items, which surprised me after about 200 hours of play.

    So I'll agree that 8 more hidden recipes would suck, but I actually think a RotDG-specific non-hidden recipe that only makes high-end bolts might actually make new players more likely to take tinkering for their archers.

    I hadn't considered that. I've got very little programming experience outside of modding, which really isn't the same thing. Also, I tend to think in terms of solutions that don't require more of Nicholas's programming time for the free DLC that is already way over manpower budget.
  19. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I would vote that the IS bolts should be a non-hidden recipe. They are not particularly unique. The balance will not be disrupted by having them unhidden, so long as the recipe requires high tinker skill.
    FaxCelestis and Essence like this.
  20. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    it would be nice if the crafting system would "update" the recipe if the skill level permits the creation of a better item.
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