Hi all. Now, to make it simple I have a huge problem. I play DoD on my laptop with Steam offline, and my wee brother plays it on his desktop with Steam online. All fine. Until a short while ago I needed to go online with Steam and accidentally synced my files over his on the Steam Cloud. Now I have a problem. I can't get his old savegames to load at all. I cleared my old files out, but I just can't get his old savegames to be recognised as playable. In other words, I have the save files but the game doesn't load them (due to loadsave.dat I'd guess). Is there any way at all I can fix this> Thanks in advance.
loadsave.dat is just a text file and can be manually edited. The simplest way to change it is to only add one save to it. I'm sure that more can be added, but it's trickier. You should edit the file only when the game is running through Steam, or else your changes won't get saved to the cloud. Do not load a game or start a new game, though. Just open the launcher and click Start Game. This will load the main title screen. Then perform these steps: Make a backup copy of loadsave.dat. Open loadsave.dat in a text editor like Notepad. (Not a word processor like Word or Wordpad.) Delete everything inside of it. On the first line, type a zero: 0 On the next line, paste in the name of the save file you want to use. The whole name, with spaces, like: Mr Dude.sav Save and close the file. The game should still be open, so go to the load screen and see if you see that save. The icons for your skill will be messed up, but the game should be loadable. I don't think you have to close and re-open the game, but try that if it doesn't work the first time. When you do close the game, it should sync the new loadsave.dat to the cloud. If he has multiple saves he needs to use, you can try simply replacing the file names in the existing loadsave.dat rather than deleting everything and starting over. I've never tried this though, and I don't know if it will work.
Even when the game was already running through Steam when you edited it? I can try tonight to see if I can find a way around this. In the worst case scenario, you can do these same steps, except don't bother launching the game, and make sure Steam is not even running. Then just run the EXE manually from the Steam folder, and never launch the game while Steam is running until your brother completes his current game.
I'm having a very similar problem to the guy above. I tried your suggested fix both while connected to steam (with the game running) and not, and the game just prefers not to believe my save files exist. One thing I should add... When I tried to play this morning, it gave me a message that my files were out of sync with the steam cloud and gave me the option of syncing one to the other. I made a copy of my local files and synced to cloud, assuming if my local files were more up to date that I could just replace them and tell steam to sync to my machine. It does't seem like this is the case... but if you know a way to force that, I'd be delighted to hear it
Copy the saves somewhere out of the folder, run the game with the -nukesteamcloud parameter, move them back in the folder, then edit loadsave.dat like Glazed said in the above post (I've always put a 1 instead of a 0 but I don't think it matters)